Guys I think the Michael Jackson ( EARTH ) song lyrics was : What about new Zelda, What about new super mario What about all the games That you said we were to play What about donky kong , Is there a chance ,What about all the money That you said was yours not mine... Did you ever stop to notice, All the broken hart hard core gamers ,Did you ever stop to notice how many attachment we have? Aaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaah What have you done to the true gamers ,Look what we are playing now What about the motion plus, That it supposed to be built in from day one ,What about the stupid mic Is there a space on my tv ,What about a wireless nunchuck ,That you said it is not the time ,Did you ever stop to notice, the small third party you have , Did you ever stop to notice The unsupported hd and 16 /9 on most games Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaah I used to play and fun I used to glance and anticipate new mega games Now I don't know where they are now ,Although I know you have drifted far, and the wii is a dust collector now Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaaah How many adds on must their be, Before we have the chance to play a good game with every body tell Nintendo that no reel games coming to the wii every body pray and cry so Nintendo may hear us and stop the party games
it is getting more and more like the LIGO games when u have to attach things togther to make a new shape? i wonder what other silly attachment still to come maybe a 4 weel for the wiimot so it can run ? already 4 attachments ?
sony was so gready that they refuse to pay for the company that made the rumbele featur on the play station 3 but now after som loses and slow hardware sales they paied?
saying that the 360 cant handel the grahpic is mot true , take alooke at any multyplatforme game and u can see that the 360 graphic is better ? and dont tell me devoleper is putting more effort on the 360 cause alot of game id being developed for the pc and transported to consoles and still looks better on 360 ? and regarding the space issue i dont care if the game has to be a multydiscs , they can bring it to the 360 .and oh big deal if the game wase 3 or 4 discs , itis still cheeper than one blu ray ?
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