Why do we have to keep doing this BS? ps3 has better graphics we all know it now we can shut up about it. Some games do look better on 360 but, for the most part. ps3 is better in graphics.
Wait I don't really get this so wht I just like can plug this thing into some really bad pc and play games like crysis on high settings? and the thing is going to cost less than the 360 is that wht they are saying here? If true damn niceeeee.
"And what about the people who can't fork out 4 or 6 f***ing hundred dollars nVidia? And what about the people who can't afford an SLI computer? Start doing something for the common person." To bad than. This is what is bad about computer gaming u need alot of money sucks.
u need a really good computer to run this game well that sucks i want this game. Im going to upgrade my computer vary soon i hope the stuff i buy will be enough to play this game oook atleast :/ /
halosniper52's comments