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About Me... and starting again

i have ordered OTH season 3 from Amazon (along with the latest soundtrack) and it will be here soon so i am starting from beginning of Season 1 again... (have seen 1-3 quite a few times..) 

so, decided to do one of these survey things that some ppl are doing... (got this from OTH_TW_lover)...

Name~ Hayley (so its weird for me typing it Haley all the time... i totally dont think that spelling works with the pronounciation, but anyways...) 
Hair Color~ Blondish
Eye Color~ Blue
Birthday~ November 10, 1984
Food~ Anything with lots of fat/sugar in it - im a junk food fan!!
Song~ too many to decide!!
Color~ Probably red??
Number~ ???
Website~ here or fanforum... facebook is fun too and a massive timewaster! oh and i love wikipeida, so much info about like, everything!!
Movie~ so many!!! probably The Notebook at the moment.
Magazine~ Marie Claire?? like the articles... not really into the fashion
Actor~ ummm... anyone whos good and hot - mmm.. Brad, Johnny, Orlando, Channing, Chad.. the list goes on
Actress~ dont have one??
Book~ heaps... Coleen McCullough Roman Series, Sara Donati series, anything by Bryce Courtenay
Greatest Fear~ missing out on things in life... like trying to have a family and a good job and travel and all the things i wanna do but prob wont happen
Screen Name~ halz84
Bedtime~ always too late - like between 2 and 5 am usually... 
Current Location~ Sydney, Australia
Most Embarrassing Moment~ too many to mention 
Weakness~ speaking too much, sometimes without thinking... 
First Thought When You Wake Up~ more sleep, please - or, i should have gone to be earlier, idiot!!
((This Or That))
Pepsi Or Coke~ Coke always - I'm addicted!!
Chocolate Or Vanilla~ Vanilla
Day Or Night~ Night
Hamburger Or Hot Dog~ Hamburger....hot dogs kind of creep me out, made up of leftover stuff?? 
Love Or Money~ Love
Looks Or Personality~ personality with a tiny bit of looks
Summer Or Winter~ summer... but not too hot though 
Hugs Or Kisses~ hugs are awesome!! but kisses can be too...
Romantic Night In Or Wild Night Out~ depends on my mood!
Coffee Or Tea~ tea (hate coffee..)
Hot Or Cold~ Cold
Sunny Or Rainy~ Sunny
Dogs Or Cats~ hate cats - im allergic, dogs are ok i guess 
((Have You Ever))
Been In Love~ yeah i think so... 
Danced In The Rain~ Yeah... love mucking around in the rain, dont do it much anymore.. 
Toilet Papered Someone's House~ dont think so?
Cheated On A Test~ Yeah, probably
Been Beaten Up~ Nope
Bullied Someone~ yeah i guess, kinda embarrased by it now..
Smoked~ Nope. Never will. its gross, expensive and smells bad...
Drank~ Yup. regularly
Done Drugs~ Nope... not planning to either  
Had Sex~ yep...
Gone Bungee Jumping~ No! kinda plan to, but dont know if i will.
Gone Camping~ yeah, not a huge fan though
Stayed Up All Night~ every day pretty much.
Skipped School~ high school - not so much... uni - all the time. i like totally dont go to lectures unless i have to... 
Been On A Plane~ yeah, fly home all the time. not for longer than 4 hours though.
Cheated On Someone~ nah, not planning to
Been Cheated On~ Not sure...  think no, but do you ever really know? 
Sang In The Shower~ not often.
Smiled For No Reason~ yeah, course
Told A Joke And Nobody Thought It Was Funny~ all the time!!.
Had A Pillow Fight~ yeah, randomly..
Broken A Bone~ nah, hope i dont ever either, im a bit of a wimp
Wished Upon A Star~ dont think so.
Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves~ if not i wish i had!!
Gone Surfing~ tried - was really uncoordinated!! want to give it another go, though.
Sat On Your Rooftop~ cant...
Written A Song~ no way - absolutely tone deaf.
((Finish The Sentence))
I Am~ watching OTH episode 1 at the moment.
I Wish~ that my assignments werent so hard... i am really freaked out about this semester, think gonna get like my worst marks yet (its my 5th year..) 
Life Is~ interesting.
My First Kiss~ was at like age 13 in a game of spin the bottle (there was only one boy so we all ended up kissing him - ha ha ha)... think that was my one and only time i played that 
Babies Are~ really cute - but dont know that i ever want one of my own..
Sometimes I Can Be~ loud, annoying and really talkative and sometimes morose and quiet, but mostly just me - and i hope that people enjoy that.
I Really Want To~ travel the world!!

OTH spoilers

so, have been reading lots of new spoilers on fan forum for OTH.. mostly for ep 21. have posted them all in the spoiler thread if people want to know - including haley's baby's name!! all very exciting!!
but its so weird, cos i know so much about pretty much all the remaining episodes, but we dont get to see any new ones for like 6 weeks and around 12 weeks til see the finale! well, hopefully will have forgotten some stuff by then and will have some surprises. i just cant stay away from the spoilers!! although i am doing ok for most other shows, but they at least show them here in Australia.
oh, the PCD show starts here on Sunday (at 9:30 cos it lloks pretty graphic with the outfits ppl are wearing) but yeah, wont be watching - one, in a semi protest, 2 there is what about brian on the other channel at that time...

we up to about ep 6 of grey's at moment. one where the sister came was the last one. but now we have 2 week hiatus for easter!! man, that sux!! so hard to keep from watching them online, but my friends would get so annoyed at me for skipping ahead, we all watch it together in my room...

been rearranging my photobucket account a bit - so yeah, have some of some very good looking guys, so thought i would post some of my favs here!! who's your fav?!!

so, better get back to the assignments. man, its week 4 and i feel behind already!! dont know why i picked the degree i did, much less stayed in it for this long!! most of the people in my course are so competitive and have a lack of a social life, so when your work is compared to them, it really sucks!! blah, at least i have a social life and some extra curricular stuff!! and good communication skills - hoping that is what will get me the job in the end! cos i get good marks, just not ridiculously high like some of the people that do my course...  

Music - from TV Shows

so, wow its been ages since ive written here., mostly not had time but also nothing to say...

but yeah, so ive been collecting music from different TV shows. i started with OTH - of course! - and have now started on a few others. so, i just hit over 100 songs from OTH and plenty more to go. its great. an awesome play list!! From Grey's I have 22 and The OC 24. There is quite a few overlaps, and some really awesome songs/bands that I'm so glad I've found.

So, what else. Im back at Uni. just finished week 2 (we have 13 week semesters). have 20% assign due in week 4 so its started already. its gonna be nasty by the end of the semester, have like 3 major things due on the last day - as usual. they suck at planning, every subject always puts something on the last day. totally no sleep that week!!

Ok, so wanna have a bit of a rant here cos im a bit annoyed. i but lots of things on ebay, and have started to sell lots of things too. just things of my own, like dvds/cds etc that i dont want anymore. so this person hadnt paid for an item for about 9 days or something so i said can you pay or contact me about when going to pay or ill have to start a non-paying bidder thing. so, they left me neutral feedback when they hadnt even paid yet and i hadnt posted it. so i asked why. and they told me cos i was rude and it wasnt much money so should get over it and take a chill pill, etc. umm, ok?? my sale terms are pay within 5 days and its double that time and they still havent paid. and i should be fine cos its not much money? i dont really care when ppl pay as long as they let me know when they are going to. so yeah i was so angry at this person for saying i was rude and mean when im totally not. and have never had any problem with anyone else on ebay - 100% feedback to prove that. blah, got me so worked up!!

anyways, new greys on tonight. think we up to ep 5 or 6 or something. so far behind!! and its hard cos dont wanna read any huge spoilers, but coming on here its hard to miss them, like i read a quote in someones signature the other day, and it was a huge spoiler. i was like, oh, man, didnt see that coming - a spoiler in a signature. its just that we so far behind!! but have fun with friends coming over to watch it, so cant skip ahead on them, they get annoyed when i know whats going to happen.

ok, better go. its 2:30 and i just got up and havent done anything and should go do some study (or, listen to the mp3 of the lectures i skipped!)

whoops, forgot to put something in here... what can i do today? here are some good quotes from grey's seeing as its a grey's day today!!


GREY's IS BACK!!! :)

so, as you can prob tell by the title i am very excited about the fact that grey's anatomy has restarted on Aussie TV!! yay!! man, i just realised how much i hate non ratings season (over summer). there are some ok shows and some good ones... but nothing compares to when all the good shows come back on...

sun night - ugly betty, grey's anatomy, what about brian
mon night - desperate housewives, brothers & sisters, vanished (im really liking it, think it got cancelled in the US?)
tues night - oc (nearly finished... wonder what will replace it?)
wed night - heroes/house (on at same time)
thrus night - lost (sometimes)

and there are lots of other shows i watch too. ahh, life is good again, tv is back!! :)

so yeah, grey's was good. bit weird though. not much focus on izzie and anyone else having any grief (except bailey). thought that was a bit weird. guess they didnt really know denny... hope they dont like just ignore it and move on really quickly, but you also dont want her sad for too long. guess its a delicate balance.
and the premiere for next week - meridith tossing a coin?? please tell me no!!

not sure if im a fan of the greys on sun night thing though... sun not really a day i look forward to, cos means gotta go back to work/uni the next day. but i guess its good its on that night, so doesnt clash with other shows. although 7 does have the most good shows on at the moment - like 7 out of 9 of my top shows or something like that...

anyways, been getting some level rises. up to level 12 now - evil bert. need to catch up on level meanings, but will do that another time.
latest stats - level 12, 24%, 388 subs, 43 blogs (close to 50!!), 489 forum posts (so close to 500!!) and 372 contribution points for OTH.

quotes... ones involving seth from the OC...


so, im talking about music so thought would post over here on mp3.com.... its not bad, a good way to find albums, etc about bands, and i like the similar part... but some bands/singers not on here, or their albums not listed. but sure it will get better.

anyway..  about the grammy's. they not even playing them here in Aus until next sat... that just seems pointless. like we know who won, what happened, who wore what. only thing to watch for would be performances but that prob wont be enough to make me watch. anyways, wolfmother won best hard rock. not sure id put them in that category?? but they are an Aussie band so that is exciting. i did used to really like them, but then like a lot of good/great bands they were overplayed/overhyped and kinda ruined it for me. my mum even owns the cd!! but then, my mum is a bit random in her music taste..
so, dixie chicks won 5 awards. thats pretty impressive for a country type group. maybe cos everyone now agreeing with them about their anti-bush stance?? they are ok, a bit too nasal/whiny for me, but have some ok songs. prob not good enough for 5 awards though!! did snow patrol get anything - should go read the full list.

so anyone got any other opinions on the whole brooke banner i posted below. the other thing i forgot to say was that ppl were angry about it cos pamela and paris are whores who did it for the money. seriously? like paris is trashy and have no respect for her, but who would seriously go thru the trauma of everyone seeing u nude/having it off (havent seen it but apparently she isnt even very good???), like your parents and family seeing it... not like she needs the money either!! so ppl overreacting a bit. still think its bit weird though. prob a young person who thought it would be really cool and "in touch" with today or whatever...

so do u think its a good idea for bands to get together again after 20 years... yes im talking about the police? not very often that voice would still be good enough/able to last... sounds kinda ok i guess, but def wouldnt be heading to a concert anytime soon!!

anyways, hopefully this raises my level over her at mp3.com. also will try at filmspot sometime...

Everything (poss OTH spoilers..)

so, im on like level 11 now... jumped from like 10, 75% or so to 11, 60%... huge!! did a whole heap of contributions so guess that was it... also means im up to no 5 on the OTH contribution list... so, that means i must have been doing a lot!!

so, watched ten ep's of Grey's today. yep, thats right, 10... and didnt even get up til 12, and didnt start watching straight away. and have managed to fit in other stuff as well, made a bday present for my mum (i make my own jewellery sometimes, so made her lots of earrings..), did washing went visited ppl, did groceries. so dont really know how i fitted that in, but i did! anyways, so up to end of s2 now... cos they just replayed s2 finale today in Aus. so that means new eps next week!! woohoo!! totally gonna have to stay out of the forum, wont be able to keep away from spoiling things.. been pretty good so far, but just being on this site you read things, ok though. sounds oh so interesting!!

and ok, went on some other OTH forums the other day to read some other spoilers... and came across this. now, i guess its a bit of a spoiler really, seeing as it kinda gives away what happens in the ep, but it was put out by the CW... so thats kinda weird in itself. but anyway, take a look then ill discuss it.

so, i dont know, i think its a kind of tongue in cheek joke, to aim at a different crowd and draw ppl into the show. but there was A LOT of ppl who were really pissed about it. i didnt event hink about it, but the whole comparing brooke (and therefore sophia, ppl didnt really get the whole, that is a character she plays and not her thing) with paris, after lukes alledged affair with her was in really bad taste. and that it makes brooke (and, again sophia) seem like a hoe. mmm, well, if brooke did do it, then isnt she a hoe. so kinda fair. and the whole paris thing, i think it was a bit of fun... after everything she has been thru with chad, i have total respect for sophia, she has dealt with it so impressively, like everything that happened, and then he goes and gets engaged to another person from the show, like so soon. talk about a loser, and um, no tact!! so yeah, i have totaly respect for her, but not sure that i think they should never mention the name paris around her, you cant live like that can you?? and is it even confirmed that he did actually cheat with her...

anyways, just wanna know what you guys think about the ad... poor taste, lack of good judgement, or ok..

so, latest stats - level 11, 60%, 392 forum posts, 365 subs, 10 reviews, 41 blogs, and 349 OTH sub points...

so, thought would go for some comedic quotes from OTH...

anyways, hope everyones weekends were good, time to go to bed for another week of working for no pay!! only 2 weeks to go - but then back to uni!! eek!!

And I'm back...

So, I'm back... well to blogging that is.. have been around for a few days but wasnt in mood to write anything. bored now - so thought i should share that boredom with other ppl!!

so, made it to level 9 (a while ago now)... this level is - Door Number 2. I wiki's this (i have just used it as a verb... oh well!!) and apparently it is from the TV Game Show Let's Make a Deal, which aired in the States from 63-77. at one stage you got a choice of prizes and you picked from one of 3 doors (or curtains, etc), hence - door number 2. im sure it was used in lots of other game shows, etc too...

so, been on a cd buying rampage (well, as much as u can when u pretty darn broke...). today i got (in the mail - one of the best things about ebay, it means you actually get mail that is fun!!) - jack's mannequin - everything in transit, and All-American Rejects, Move Along. Both inspired by OTH. so, adding songs from them onto my list I have 78 OTH songs on my iTunes. mmm, not too many, def want a lot more, but its getting there!! also have 18 from OC and only 8 from grey's... bit more effort required there methinks!!

so, went away with the bf for the weekend. you know when you plan a holiday/weekend, etc and yeah, just doesnt live up to expectations... maybe thats cos i always build things up, or was just more excited this time cos meant i got a 4 day weekend, meaning no work!! but yeah, think im more of a group holiday person. we already spend A LOT of time just us, rarely getting to hang out with other ppl, so yeah, was just more of the same, in a different location, that was ok, but not awesome...

have 12 more days of work experience!! awesome - so close to the end! and then uni starts again - eek!

new OC tonight - kirsten is pregnant. and ryan and taylor back together. are they gonna break them up then get them back together every episode!! i know they gotta rush cos nearing the end, but geez... and the che in love with seth/ no it was the hot girl... what was that storyline all about. will stick out watching til the end, cos wanna know what happens, and its nearly over, but kinda glad it is, they just running out of stuff to do. i mean, how many rich guys can julie cooper date/marry/sleep with before someone sees a pattern!!

new heroes tomorrow night. should be interesting to see where this going. think gonna pick that over house, maybe bit of flicking back and forth. and grey's anatomy s2 finale repeat on sun - meaning new ep week after?? heres hoping. but that mean have to hurry up and finish s2 boxset..

ok, time for some funny grey's quotes - i love the one liners from this show!! gonna go with just christina quotes, but not too hard, she has the best of the one liners!!

ok, time to go...

stats - OTH cp - 275, level 9-85%, 348 posts, 40 blogs, 10 reviews, 297 submissions.

I'm procrastinating about going to bed..

now how dumb is that. but seriously, i do it like every night. mostly cos no matter what time i go to bed, prob wont end up going to sleep til late anyways, and i hate lying awake. reason not tired today is cos i didnt go to work experience today. wasnt feeling that good (well, not too bad, just not awesome), but thought should go today cos taking fri off. so got up and got ready and off i go. normally takes me like 20, 25 mins to drive there. today, after 30 mins i was still on my street, trying to turn into the next one. like 3 cars going thru the lights at a time. yuck... so did u turn and tried another way. still busy as there but thought would get there eventually, but no, the way i wanted to go was blocked off. so after 40 mins in the car and getting, umm, no where i gave up and came home. i could have sat in the car for like over an hour or more to try get there or get the bus/train/bus to get there, but that would take about an hour or more as well. so decided not to go... does that make me a bad person?? its work experience, and they are not paying me, and there is not really enough work for me to do (and when i do go i usually end up on the net for most of the day to pass the time). but yeah, i sent a message saying i had a headache and couldnt come in.. i feel bad, but yeah, got to go back to bed and get a sleep in... therefore meaning that i am not tired now, meaning no sleep and therefore tired all day tomorrow. bugger... but only 14 days of work experience to go!! woohoo!!

oh man, that was a long rant... about like, nothing!! sorry, hope didnt kill anyone with boredom if you actually bothered to read that.

so, Aussie TV is starting to get good again, ratings doesnt officially start til feb 11 or so, but they starting early!! YAY!!! so yest, watched some new game shows (ok, but u know, not drama shows!! :)) and then repeat of desperate housewives s2 finale (returns next week) and then another ep of vanished. hopefully they finish it... sometimes they just dont finish off summer season shows once ratings start back up. and then tonight, umm, just new NCIS and OC (had new ones all summer, almost up to date with US). tomorrow we get to see premiere of HEROES. heres hoping its good!! will give it at least a few ep's try methinks. then thurs - will and grace finale (see, told you we are behind in everything!!), gues should watch that. and then beauty and geek comes back again - so funny!!

and then next week, we get biggest loser (aus) starting up again. Desperate Housewives season 3 start. Brothers and Sisters premieres (will try that out too..) and a lost overview - which i will need to try and remember what the hell is going on... and then the week after that - hopefully lots more good shows back on!!! hopefully GREY's!!! making bf watch all dvd's with me, and we only up to ep 10 of s2, so better hurry up!!

wow, this been ridiculously long. see, told you i was procrastinating. anyways, no level update yet. but have moved up to 6th on OTH contribution list... prob wont get much higher than that, people above me all contributing lots i think and have quite high scores. although do still have lots to rewatch..

anyways, hope everyone good out there and enjoying tv as much as i am going to be in the next few weeks!! :)

oh, nearly forgot - a quote...

ok, so cheated and that's two. but both from absolute fav movie of, maybe ever. rewatched again on the weekend with the bf. i bawled like a baby again, and even he nearly got a bit teary!! i like a man that is ok with a little bit of mushy stuff - and if that movie doesnt move you at all, then you got a heart of stone!

The OC...

so, just watching the latest ep of OC in Aus (The Dream Lover) and ... um... Che is in love with Seth!!! ha ha ha ha. umm, okay!! where the hell they gonna go with that?? nice to see summer and seth back happy again, thinking that they will have to end up together at the end... would be weird if they didnt, right?? and ryan and taylor... was nice of ryan to express himself. weird that they making him do this for taylor, but never did anything much romantic for marissa... will they be together at the end? and what kind of ending will they do. i accidently read a spoiler (well for me anyways) that kirsten is pregnant... so will they just continue with the current timeline, or will they skip to show how stuff ends a bit further down the track. like at least her having the baby??

oh man, taylor just broke up with ryan. pretty much same line as summer... so will they get back together or not?? how many eps to go after this one, like 5 or 6... doesnt leave much time..

ha ha ha - che staring at photo of seth... creepy!!

ok, so promo says 5 left!! bullet asks julie to marry him?? how many husbands does that make now?? impressive...

Level 1???

mmm, well this does suck much!!! i was on like level 8, 55% and all of a sudden down to level 1, 0%!!! crap!!! think its been happening to few other ppl round here as well?? did u end up getting back up to your original level?? problem is when it happened i was in middle of submitting some quotes, etc, and yeah, you cant do that when you a level 1!! so wouldnt let me. dumb dumb dumb. i mean ive done like some 250 subs already, and now wont let me do them anymore...

hang on... back up to level 8, 64%... well, that was shortlived!! these levels have really been messing with my head lately!!

so, im up to 6th on the contributing top ten for OTH... and only like a few behind the person in front of me, so thats pretty cool. but some ppl got so massive scores!! but thats ok, i wouldnt want to be editor, wouldnt have time, spec when i go back to uni and actually have to do stuff at night, as opposed to now... mmm, but still looking forward to going back. work experience still sucking so bad!! and so broke!! only 16 days to go and counting!!

so, latest quote...

 ha ha - that episode of friends was funny!! well, most of them were funny!!

and just leave you all with some very important lessons!! and people say that tv never teaches u anything... boy, are they wrong!! :)

stats... level 8, 64% (phew..) 303 posts, 37 blogs, 251 submissions, 10 reviews, 242 points for OTH contributions...

oh, and think i may be back to level 1 again.. man, annoying!!