I hate them with every fiber of my being, the curse upon man that is idiocy. The biggest jerks i can think in the world of video games are the guys at valve that added day of defeat source to the coming soon list in December and yet it is still not available. Some other jerks are those assmonkeys that play ultra loud, ultra high bassed rap at 4 in the morning. I mean rap kicks ass but not at 4 in the morning.
The jerks i hate the most would be the ones that i encounter while on the road. People who do not know how to merge their damn cars or even worse the ones that move ultra slow on the freeway and cause backed up traffic for miles because they were LOOKING AT A GUY GETTING A DAMN TICKET. I don't know how many hours i have been stuck in traffic in 100 degree weather so some sadistic bastard can stare at a fender bender or because someone wants to be one car closer to the bridge then they would have if they merged correctly asking god why has he forsaken me. So please if you drive remember this map.
l 1st 3rd 5th
l = = =
|| 2nd
|| 4th
|| 6th
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