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Bulletstorm: Singing in the Rain

Most games out there now have found that if you have a great story and at least mediocre gameplay that the game will succeed. However, gone are the games that are extremely fun to play that have no real story at all. One such game has come back to videogame ring ready to whoop some a**, and this game is Bulletstorm.

Now don't get me wrong, I believe that videogames are the best method of storytelling and a good story is a major part of a game. I have just finished the campaign of Bulletstorm and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing. It was unrealistic, over the top, extremely vulgar, humorous, and a blast to play.

The story on the game, as suspected, really isn't that good. Just a bunch of recycled stuff from other games such as: being used to unknowingly kill innocents, want revenge, character sees his way, yada yada yada. The best part of this game is just it's gameplay. The way you're graded on how awesome you kill someone is a very cool idea. The idea has been in games before, but it's never really been so blatantly put in the game for the success of the character. The game features some good gun options, with each having their unique uprade. This is done well, the only problem is that mostly youll find two or three different guns are made the most useful, and will primarily use them.

The characters in the game aren't really that good except for protagonist Grayson Hunt. He has good character development throughout the game. He is definitally the most humorous in the game as his jokes are actually funny, where as the general is very much sometimes just way too much. ****SPOILER**** The funniest part of the game is when Grayson takes control of a robotic monster and lays waist to the opposition in front of him cracking joke after joke. The best of which would include a little song he makes up about his new best robot pal, and after the robots demise he states he had named him "Waggleton P. Tallylicker" but never got to tell him as he choked back a tear.

Another plus for this game is if you are the type of person that loves to get every achievemnt or trophy in the game, then this is a game for you. Unlike most games when you beat the campaign the majority of achievements are already given to you, this game makes you actually earn your achievemnts. Instead of giving you a trophy for beating a level it'll gibe you a trophy for what you did in the level, if you earned it. This game is what Duke Nukem Forever should have been, but that's a totally different story. This game was soo fun to play and i highly suggest it for anyone who is just kind of looking for some games to get them through to the next big release.

If you can look past the mediocre story like I did you'll find a riot of game, that will make you realize killing mutatated gangs on a remote planet could never be so much fun.

Xbox Broke!!

Unfortunately my xbox has broken. I didn't get the red ring of death it just unfortuantely does not connect to the internet, so being the good younger brother that I am I gave it to my brother whose wanted one for a long time. I will be getting an elite soon but it will be a little bit because of the money. I'm going through withdrawls with not being able to play my games. The only thing getting me through is an emulator I have.


I have recently moved into my dorm and started my first college classes. If I am inactive for a certain amount of time I apologize it's just my homework of these classes getting in the way. With these new freedoms unfortunately comes a lot more responsibilities, so please forgive me if I'm not as active as I once was.

D3 Monk and GW2

Recently at Blizzcon 09 there's been trailers and interviews about the new class on Diablo 3, the monk. ABOUT TIME! It's been soo long since they last announced the last class. I have to say I like this new character, the type of moves he uses, the way you play with him, and the way he looks. I personally think he looks bada**, and I thought the trailer was very cool. To me it looks as if they have tried to combine the assassin and the paladin from Diablo 2 into one character.

I'm so excited for Diablo 3 to come out, but unfortunately I believe it will not come out this year. I believe it won't come out until after Starcraft 2 comes out which will be early 2010. Whatever, I got a bunch of games coming out to make me busy until this comes out.

Another game that I am very excited about, that I had actually forgotten about until I saw the actual trailer for it is Guild Wars 2. Guild Wars 1 is a very fun game, and is free, which is very cool for me because I am broke. The trailer made me very excited for it. In this game you are able to play different races which is very cool. I think I will play as a charr, just because they're huge.

Well anyway, These two games look like hours of fun, let's just hope they don't take too long in coming out.

All Doped Up

Just got my wisdom teeth taken out today, and boy did they give some medication. If you guys see me in a forum and I post something not like me or just plain dumb, it's the pain pills talking :)

Diablo 3 Conspiracy

64 69 61 62 6c 6f 20 33 20 20 30 39 2f 30 39 2f 30 39= Diablo 3 09/09/09. Now by now if you're a Diablo fan and can't wait for Diablo 3 to come out then you've probably already seen this. Some guy,posted this huge conspiracy theory on when Diablo 3 will be coming out. Sorry I can't give the guy props because i couldn't find the original author.


Please, don't judge this before you read it through and think about it! I finally, after several months of extensive research have found the true secret that Diablo carries. Please bare with me.

Believe it or not but the secret of diablo 3 is within the Dol rune. By now, you are all probably thinking wtf this guy is trolling. But before you discredit me let me show to you this jaw-dropping truth. The stats of a Dol rune:

Weapons: Hit causes monster to flee 25%
Armor: Replenish Life +7
Helms: Replenish Life +7
Shield: Replenish Life +7

Some simple mathematics:
25x7x7x7 = 8575

Why Is this important you ask?

Well. In diablo 1, the lord of terror had PRECISLY 8,575 hit points. Are you getting scared? There's more

Note the stat on the dol rune that stands out the most, "Hit causes monster to flee 25%" Now, naturally this ONLY works on regular monsters but not bosses ... right?

That's were you are wrong. In diablo II "normal" difficulty has PRECISLY 34300 Hit points ( 8575 being exactly 25% of his health!)

What does this mean to us? Well, because of some glitch in the hardcoding of d2:lod this fact somehow allows you to surpasse the boundary of "hit causes monster to flee" not affecting bosses. In otherwords, because of this fault on behalf of the blizzard programmers aslong as you have a dol socketed into a weapon you can make diablo run away from you with each successfull hit. Ironic isn't it? The lord of terror, in TERROR. ( Some argue this was initially an intentional "easter-egg" the programmers added for a twist)

Okay... okay. After making you read all of this I won't disappoint you. There is indeed an even greater scandal revolving around the dol rune. One that will literally make you $!@% bricks after reading this. Let's move on!

Anagrams. Guess what? An anagram of "Dol" is Lod. Coincidence? Lod stands for Lord Of Destruction which is an expansion for diablo. An anagram of Lord Of Destruction is: consider fold trout.

Consider fold trout ...

For months these words echoed in my head and it wasn't untill tonight I realised what impact these words bare and I felt compelled to type out this thread and share it with you all.

I quote Merriam websters: Quote TROUT Middle English, from Old English trÅ«ht, from Late Latin trocta, tructa, a fish with sharp teeth, from Greek trōktÄ"s, literally, gnawer, from trōgein to gnaw Please notice the word gnaw.

I knew I had seen this very word somewhere in the game before, but where? Gnaw Fold. It was a rare ring I had left in my stash since 1.07. According to recent databases, the prefix Gnaw and the suffix Fold no longer exist, however they did in 1.07. I was one of the lucky few to recieve this ring randomly from as far as my memory serves me, from the gidbin quest. Enough about the ring, let me explain to you all how this fits together... PERFECTLY.

Gnaw Fold - Unique ring stats:
Attack rating +25
Vitality +7
Life +7
Energy +7
Mana +7

Do you see the similarities yet? Well, if you don't than look back at are old friend the dol rune.

Quote The stats of a Dol rune:
Weapons: Hit causes monster to flee 25%
Armor: Replenish Life +7
Helms: Replenish Life +7
Shield: Replenish Life +7

Admit it, you are scared? This is where this little discovery takes a VERY, VERY awkward and interesting turn.

They're three difficulties on d2 'Normal', 'Nightmare' and 'Hell' In the "Hell" mode of diablo lod, diablo has a 0.05575% chance of dropping a Dol rune. Why Is this important? Apart from the scary number-patterns this tells us that JUST as with the dol rune glitch that allowed you to make diablo flee from you, here a very simliar glitch occurs. Once again, because of the "Sloppy Hardcoding" of D2 LOD (Mind, it was a rush job after the sky-rocketing sales of ****c) whenever you kill diablo in hell with this ring in your ring slot the game crashes. I bet you all are thinking now, WOW what a waste of time! He made us read ALL of this to tell us that because of the incompetence of blizzard employee's the game crashes if you wear some really rare ring and just HAPPEN to get a dol rune drop for you. This is wrong. As you will find out in just a sec there is something special about this error message. It returns the following value to your screen: 64 69 61 62 6c 6f 20 33 20 20 30 39 2f 30 39 2f 30 39.

At first glace 64 69 61 62 6c 6f 20 33 20 20 30 39 2f 30 39 2f 30 39 seems completly random, just some error code right? This is where you are wrong, deeply wrong.

64 69 61 62 6c 6f 20 33 20 20 30 39 2f 30 39 2f 30 39 is hex for : Diablo 3 09/09/09. Don't believe me? Google ANY Hex translator and try it yourself.

From this ASTONISHING information I would like to conclude that based on my findings I believe (and believe all you others should acknowledge aswell) that diablo 3's official release date is 09/09/09.



Now I know most of you have probably have already seen this, but I just thought it was pretty cool. I don't think it's true, but if it is then good for him. I wouldn't have been able to figure that out, or have the time to figure it out.

This guy with a conspiracy theory said it was 09/09/09, but I have another release date for you Halloween, 2009. My friend was playing Guild Wars one night when he happened to party up with a person that may know. He partied up with a manager of gamestop and started talking with him. This guy said that it will be coming out on Halloween, 2009. Now if Blizzard is being all hush hush and just telling the sellers of the game then cool we may have a date now. Or there's always the possibiliy the guy was bored and decided to pull my friends leg. Either way Diablo 3 can't be too far off and fans have to be getting excited about the game.

Info from: http://hellforge.gameriot.com/blogs/A-Rogues-Tale/Diablo-3-Release-Date

My First Banner

Alright so it's not the best banner, but it's my first one. I didn't know how to get a banner until i asked another user Loggens whom I had met in the Dragons Age union. You can tell me how bad it is if you want. I picked a Read Dead Revolver Pic because I think my user name has a western feel to it :)

Upcoming Games I'm Giddy For

After this year's E3 there is a whole slew of games that I am just giddy over. Some I had already knew about, but some I heard about for the first time at E3. If you agree or if you don't please comment, just don't be mean.

Modern Warfare 2: This game simply put looks incredible. The graphics look awesome, and the action in it looks sick. A snowmobile chase i mean come on how cool is that? The pre E3 all we got to see was that little teaser trailer with the green screen with flashes of action and dialog. Then we got to see the official trialer for it which was a very good trailer for getting you excited for the game. At E3 we got to see the demo of it which looked very kick a**. I'm just very excited for this game.

Mass Effect2:I am a huge RPG fan and I absolutely loved Mass Effect. This game looks even better. The graphics look incredible, and the dialog now has an interupt function (sweet!). This game just looks very very Epic. The story and just games that Bioware makes are just of the highest quality. I even have both the Mass Effect books. The biggest thingI like about this game is that they've said that this is an adult game made for adults, meaning mothers don't freak out when you walk in on your 10 year old enjoying the sex scene on Mass Effect because you're the one who bought him the adult game!!!

Dragons Age: Origins: This is another RPG and is also made by Bioware. This game look very good. I am currently looking for the book that came out as the prequel to the game, but as of right now have not found it. The graphics for this game also look incredible. The trailers i thought were very cool with the Marilyn Manson music (even thought I don't listen to Manson) I thought it really got you jacked up for the game. and if you haven't seen them take these links http://e3.gamespot.com/video/6211179/ or http://e3.gamespot.com/video/6210742/

Star Wars: The Old Republic: This is another RPG from drumroll...............BIOWARE!! This game although we haven't seen any gameplay looks very cool. The trailer for is awesome i mean AWESOME! If you have'nt seen it watch it here http://e3.gamespot.com/video/6210694/ . It's a Star Wars MMO for crying out loud come on it doesn't get much cooler than that.

Splinter Cell Conviction: I am not a Splinter Cell fan. I know guys that just love the games and think they're the cats meow, and that's cool all the more power to you. This Splinter Cell on the other hand looks very cool. Looks like it has a lot more in your face action along with the stealth. The beginning when he's bashing the guy all over the bathroom while the credits were going all over the environment was very cool. The gameplay vids I have seen on the game look very cool and very easy.

Assassins Creed 2: This game looks like a promising sequel to a game that was just so damn repetitive. I liked it, don't get me wrong, but it was just sooo repetitive. This game looks very cool with the new double hidden blades and the fact that it's in Itlay is cool too. On the Live Stage Demo they said that there would be more things to do in this game instead of just going from mission to mission you can do kind of side quests, which I thought was very cool. This game looks like it promises the rooftop leaping, silent killing, and great action as before. A new thing I thought was cool was the fact that he doesn't carry a weapon with him besides the hidden blades. He must first unarm the guard first then use his weapon on them.

Diablo 3: I have been waiting for this game to come out for soooo long. Diablo 2 was so fun and i had many hours of gamesplay on it with my friends and with random people. It really started my whole career of playing videogames online. Diablo 3 looks very cool I think you can even use the environment a little bit when you play. They haven't shown all of theplayable charactersyou can play so I'm still very excited for it.

I know I've left out a lot of games but these are the ones that I am very excited about. Most are 360 games because I own a 360, but I am still excited about some other games and these are my Honorable mentions

Honorable Mentions:

DC Universe Online

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2

God of War 3


Batman Arkham Asylum

Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer

Brutal Legend

Beatles Rock Band


Red Faction Guerrilla

Fallout 3 vs. Fable 2

Alright well this is my first blog so forgive me if i don't do soo hot. I'm going to talk about whether i should buy Fable 2 or Fallout 3, and actually i might just break down and buy both of them because i'm a huge RPG junkie (except Two Worlds which sucked).

Let's start with Fallout 3, which looks fun. For a long time i have been waiting for an RPG that has the free roaming of Morrowind or Oblivion, but with guns. Now I haven't seen any game-play videos on this game yet, but knowing that the makers of both morrowind and oblivion are making this game will definitely have it just like that. Also I'm a big fan of the post apocalyptic stuff like all those crappy eighties movies where they wear rubber tires as clothes and stuff. As crappy as they are i am still a fan of them. Anyway so that's another thing going for Fallout 3. Now i hear you can get a dog to be your companion which i think is an effort to compete with Fable 2, but will still be cool. Also the character customoization sounds really cool on how you actually pick your characters looks and attributes looks new and cool. As far as Fallout 3 I don't know if i will be able to sink as many hours into it as i did with Oblivion but who knows right?

Now to Fable 2 which looks like it will be very excellent. Now i liked the first Fable, but i played Morrowind more. This one,however, looks like there is much more to do and much more fun gameplay not that the old one wasn't fun. The addition of the dog is a very nice touch i think. Also the ability to actually have a family and buy businesses and things like that are other things i have looked for in games but have not found. Let's not forget the coop play. How cool is that!! I have waited for a game like this for a long time and have always wondered why one was not made. The fact that you can go into your buddies game and get a bunch of treasure and and kill his whole family and have it all save is so cool.

Soo there is my first blog and go ahead and give me suggestions on which to buy or make fun of my blog or whatever.