Alright well this is my first blog so forgive me if i don't do soo hot. I'm going to talk about whether i should buy Fable 2 or Fallout 3, and actually i might just break down and buy both of them because i'm a huge RPG junkie (except Two Worlds which sucked).
Let's start with Fallout 3, which looks fun. For a long time i have been waiting for an RPG that has the free roaming of Morrowind or Oblivion, but with guns. Now I haven't seen any game-play videos on this game yet, but knowing that the makers of both morrowind and oblivion are making this game will definitely have it just like that. Also I'm a big fan of the post apocalyptic stuff like all those crappy eighties movies where they wear rubber tires as clothes and stuff. As crappy as they are i am still a fan of them. Anyway so that's another thing going for Fallout 3. Now i hear you can get a dog to be your companion which i think is an effort to compete with Fable 2, but will still be cool. Also the character customoization sounds really cool on how you actually pick your characters looks and attributes looks new and cool. As far as Fallout 3 I don't know if i will be able to sink as many hours into it as i did with Oblivion but who knows right?
Now to Fable 2 which looks like it will be very excellent. Now i liked the first Fable, but i played Morrowind more. This one,however, looks like there is much more to do and much more fun gameplay not that the old one wasn't fun. The addition of the dog is a very nice touch i think. Also the ability to actually have a family and buy businesses and things like that are other things i have looked for in games but have not found. Let's not forget the coop play. How cool is that!! I have waited for a game like this for a long time and have always wondered why one was not made. The fact that you can go into your buddies game and get a bunch of treasure and and kill his whole family and have it all save is so cool.
Soo there is my first blog and go ahead and give me suggestions on which to buy or make fun of my blog or whatever.