May i ask why the PS3 Images look as they are on my SDTV? when i play Assassins, Orange box and COD4 on my parants Plasma HDTV they look alot better then the Xbox 360 Images thats shown here...
They still cant bring it quite there. But its a fine card anyways. And as previous stated that they are matching it towards the 8800GTX that has been out for over a year is sad, also in terms that they will release 9300GTX this summer
Crysis wassnt all that great. It would probably have been better if Crytec would have been alone with the development instead of EA games had to f**k it all up, and then Make it in to another EA Booster pack game like the sims and Battlefield as some examples.
Realy nice Card. But as you can see on the benchmark in both XP and Vista that in single card perfromance it cant follow up with the 8800GTX. and they diddnt show GTX SLI either. *Shivers by thinking about the Power requirement* the 8800GTX is still on the top. but i wouldnt have said no thanks if i got one for free :P (Cough Nvidia fan Cough)
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