i have been playing far cry 2 up to 80% and i just stopped. the driving around for 10 minutes is getting really really boring, but this post is about ai... OK i HATE the A.I in this game but its my fault for trying to be sneaky. i guess i have been playing too much crysis. Your enemies almost always know where you are which is very annoying. have you seen their reaction time they will INSTANTLY start shooting you the second they see you from whatever distance "oh look a guy 1 mile over their NO TIME FOR QUESTIONS START SHOOTING" they say but that's not the worst part. another thing is that if your sitting far away and manage not to be seen the second you aim your rifle at someone they run and go hiding and when you stop aiming they come out like nothing happened...??? also its hard to hide from people but thankfully it can be done. the last thing is that your enemies ARE TANKS it takes 3 shots to wound or kill someone with a 50. CAL FREAKIN BULLEt! 3 SHOTS come on! and sometimes you need to shoot them a fourth time cause enemies have this annoying habit of falling on the ground instead of just getting killed even sometimes if you shoot their skulls. im sorry but i don't like the AI in this game they are OK but these things just bug the heck out of me! P.S sry some of this kinda isn't fair but hopefully you can relate on some parts.?
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