Square Enix are without a doubt the daddy of rpgs, each new release meets with great sales and reviews (usually) and an army of satisfied fans (usually). But I amstarting to fear that the interest in "compilations" and continuations is tarnishing the overall vision certain games had at the beginning of their life. A good example of this would be Final Fantasy X-2 which I'm sure has suffered enough scrutiny to last alifetime. But with the overall games market growing year by year to heights once thought unlikely is this constant reinvention of an original idea really beneficial?
I fell in love with the final fantasy series whilst playing FF7, everything about the game for me is classic from the character design to the soundtrack and even the mini-games (that includesarm wrestling) to cut a long story short the game has a real sense of emotion and in the playstation one days of chunky graphics and cheesy ideas it was the definition of original. Fast forward from 1997 to 2007 allot has changed SquareSoft has now become SquareEnix, were now up to Final Fantasy 12 and 13not too far over the horizon,withnew titles such as Kingdom Hearts and old (Dragon Quest) things are looking great.
The SquareEnix fan has never had such an array of choice with titles being launched on multiple platforms from ps3, Wii, DS even the 360 and mobile. SquareEnixhas titles slated on every platform available,withtwowell known series FF& Kingdom Heartsbeingbrought on multi-platforms, I fully understand the reason tointroduce as many gamers as possibleto athe SquareEnix experience (Great graphics, compelling story, top calibre soundtrack and overall anentertaininggame) but I still findthatthe "original" fans of a series are the one losing out too often.
To highlight this properly I will use the compilation of Final Fantasy 7 asan example, since its original release on the PS1 it has spawned afilm-advent children, a playstation 2game - dirge of Cerberus, apsp game - crisis core, an anime- last order,four short story novels -Case of Tifa, Aries, Barret and Denzel andthree mobile phone titles - lost episode, before crisis and snowboarding (thoughsnowboarding isn't reallydetrimental to the overall series).I am not trying too say that these are rushed or a quick cash cow I amsure that there probably very decent titles, I say probably becauseI live the U.K and aside from advent children, dirge of Cerberus and crisis core Iprobably wont ever see the other titles. By using the internet I have seen the anime and read the novels butmy main problem is with the mobile games. Phone technology in Asia is far ahead of that in Europe and the u.s meaning titles like lost episode and before crisis will not make it here (at this point though I must say this is myassumption). My point in this being that whilst bringing more consumers into the series old fans aresometimes left at a disadvantage, I am not saying this leads too complete disenchantment butifyou've finished reading a good book only to be told there are pages missing your going to be a bit miffed.
Now with announcement ofthree new Kingdom heart title each is being launched on separate consoles(including mobile) I have to wonderhow manyof the future titles will make it to these shores. Mobile gaming is a massivemarket and soon the U.k and U.S with have thetechnology too support these titles but will they still be there for us too appreciate?.SquareEnix recently re-released Kingdom hearts chain of memories on the ps2 in Asiaalong withKingdom Hearts 2 Final mix,If it is possible to turn a gameboy advancegame into a playstation 2 game using existing software and design surely the mobile titles could be re-released in such a way?.
In all honestly I have never done a blog before I am not even too surewhat one is so I just decided to rattle offmy concern with certain aspects ofgaming, with levels of innovation and creativity being pushed each and every yearI am truly nit picking but I still believe the small detailsare just as important as the big ones.I will try to add to this at some point too help explainthis better. I kind of started out with an idea then just went on a roll so any thoughts,criticisms or opinions are welcome after all everyone has one .
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