happypirate's forum posts
there are some good sports games like nba, madden, whatever you like
GRAW2 is T, even though I think it sucks, it got good reviews and it's a good game, just not my type
Ace combat 6 is coming out and I think that is rated T as well
and there are always RPGs like blue dragon, ETernal sonata, etc
kanye actually makes good music as opposed to fitty's "i like to get drunk and have sex with nymphos"
ha mines B0XF0X refering to MGO for the ps2 for bieng rank: Fox
and always using the cardboard Box
So mines a mix of both
hahh boxfox i love it.
as for me i actually like gamertags that are short, easy to say, with no numbers at the end. And as for funny or seerious either one's fine, as long as it's not lame like "dragonrider356" or "blackknight213435"
Fight Night rd. 3 is good, something I like to keep around to play with friends
Skate is a lot of fun, I've played the 30 min. demo through like 5 times already
COD4 and Halo are different games. COD4 doesn't have the flashiness of the energy sword, spartan laser, or banshee, but what it does offer is solid, straight up infantry combat in real places. If that sounds "boring" or "bland" then don't buy it. I personally enjoy the environments that you can interact with, by sniping from houses or hiding in the grass.
and I actually enjoy the leveling system and challenges, it gives an incentive to play for a small bonus, and it's nice to see your weapon of choice get stronger over time. it's not like it's impossible to kill with the iron sights either, any noob who tries a little will unlock stuff in no time
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