As you know validity means if something measures what it is exactly supposed to measure.
In thie case the 360 is supposed to play breath-taking next-gen games, and it actually does do that. So it has a high validity because it says what it is supposed to do.
The Wii and PS3 have low validity but althought high relabiity rates. Why?
The Wii is does not do what it is supposed to do like Nintendo claimed. It was supposed to be so revolutionalry but does it really do that provided by its games? No, so it has low validity because it does not do what Nintendo claimed.
The PS3 also does not do what Sony claimed it was supposed to do.
Take your choice Validity or Reliability.
I will take great software over cheapened quality software anyday.
In orderfor something to be valid it must also be reliable.Something cannot be working as intended (validity)unless there isatleast consistency (reliability)However, something can be reliable (consistent)without being valid (doing what its supposed to do).
A little bit of advice; if you learn a new concept in class, make sure you fully understand what you are being taught.
As for the discussion I have a launch Xbox 360 that works fine and I have no problems with it. Except for the fact that Perfect Dark Zero is unplayable on my console due to the fact that it freezes non-stop during cutscenes.
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