Happy Holidays, And Gaming Stuff.
by harry_james_pot on Comments
Hello everyone! Happy Holidays / Merry Christmas! :) It's been almost half a year since my last blog. I stopped making them when the old comments disappeared. But when they came back i was too lazy to write again. :P How are you all doing? Disappointed that there was no zombie apocalypse yesterday? Anyways, just like every year, I'll be posting my own best of game awards list, which I'm working at right now. but maybe instead of just making a list of names, I'll also write a few lines about why each game deserves its award.. we'll see. There will also be a list of all the games i played this year, which is gonna be huge! There were a lot of great games this year, but it also had the worst game i have ever played... Hitman Absolution. But we'll get to that in the next blog. :D I also started playing League of Legends. I'm not really a fan of this type of games, but it's surprisingly quite fun.. at least when your team isn't made up of a bunch of idiots. I'm playing on the EU West server though, so sadly i can't participate in the Gamespot events. :( If you want to add me, my summoner name is M3raxes. :)