No, this controller has sixaxis, vibration and everything.
harrysacc's forum posts
Has anyone heard of the Intec ps3 turbo controller? I'm on the fence about buyiny it, because it take 4aaa bateries, it also has a USB slot on top but I've heard different awnsers. Does anyone here have any exp withit?
I'm sending my PS3 to PSR tommorrow and before I do that I need to know how good they are. I need a reply ASAP.
I have just heard about a place calledATL tech force, apperently they fix game systems. The guy I was talking to said they fixed his X360 in just 3 days and only costed him $65. I' m sure I can get the same treatment for my PS3. Have any of you heard about ATL tech force, if you happened to deal with them how good are thay. Thanks.
Have any of you heard a store called ATL tech force. They do fix game systems, a guy at game stop told my they fixed is RRoD X360 in 3 days and it cost him $65. I'm gonna take my ps3 there tommorow. If the can fix a X360 in 3 days then why the hell not a PS3. Also if anyone has experiance w/ atl tech force let me now. Thanks!
I see what you're saying, but I'm not getting off the PS3 ship, I'll cut my loses and pay for repaires.My 60GB went YLOD like 5 months ago too but I never send it for repairs to Sony because for Puerto Rico they charge $250 instead of the $150 for the US so I waited a little and bought a PS3 slim...
I know my comment doesn't helps much but what else can I say? You either pay the $150 to Sony to then get the YLOD later on again, buy a PS3 slim or jump ship.
Well it was because the air was so hot and damp in my house and the air conditioner wasn't working. I was playing it for a few hours and after awhile the ps3 started getting really loud, almost like a X360, I decided to shut it off, a few hours later at night I turned it back on and played the ninja gaiden sigma 2 demo for less than 5 minutes and it freezed and shut off by itself to where only the red light was on, I treid turning it back on but the light flashed yellow and went back to red. It sounds like people here have had that problem, what did you all do? BC is a big deal for me cuz I got no PS2 and I'm not getting non-BC PS3. I'll get it fixed. I know it cost around $150+ but when does sony charge you, before or after the repair? I'd call and ask them myself but I'm expecting a call.
I can wait 3 weeks no problem(cuz of certain circumstances) and I don't mind paying $150 that much. but I still got a PS2 disc inside. Has anyone sent their ps3 for repares b4?
My 60 GB PS3 got the YLoD a couple of hours ago, I let it cool down and tried it again a few minutes ago and it still won't work. I don't think I have what it takes to fix it myself(I watched videos of it on youtube) and I had for just over 2 years, so the warranty is shot most likely. I hear it can be sent to Sony for repairs for $150, but how long will it take?
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