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DS rules in japan, everywhere else, its only good

wow, all i've seen comig out of japan is this big rush for DS's, i mean how can the japanese be THAT crazy about the thing?

Theres no doubt that the DS is agreat piece of hardware, and it does have some interesting games up its sleeve, mario kart, animal crossing, what the hell is this, brain training?! Our Japanese cousins really like that brain training series, and that is one of the tell-tale sign that the average Japanese consumer has a totally different taste in games than us, i mean, how many people in london or san francisco would put what is esentially an educational game on thier christmas list? Huh?

Mabye this is why the DS is pummelling the PSP in Japan, with the PSP gaining a slight majority elsewhere on the globe. The Japanese know good games from bad ones, which most of the people from the Uk and US probably dont, and also, these games are more Western-centric than most other games, dont get me wrong, the PSP does have a batch of good and original games, its just that hardly anyone takes advantage of them. And going on from that, this is precisely the reason for the Xbox 360's terrible performance in Japan. The Japanese dont like an American console, with American-macho FPS's. No, the Japanese like the educational genre better than the FPS one. End of story