I wish that they would take time to roam around for those who can;t be there .. aka me
But it's awesome cant wait to se more
havoclover Blog
My own Tales of Character & feel free to do your own
by havoclover on Comments
name: Teddy Vaguran
Age: 22
race : human
skin: brown
eyes: dark purple
hair: shaved with a stripe down the middle
height: 6.5 weight : 183lb built but slim
clothes: top: long white T shirt under a orange sleeveless vest with a black hood.
Pants: black jean shorts with a small emblem on the right leg
Shoes: Workers fur gold light brown fur golden belt straps and silver buckles
accessories: two golden ear rings on the top right of his ear and golden bracelets on his left wrist
style: weapons master
main weapons: starter: work men's set ( axe in the left hand, sword in the right) best MW: Demon killer (Twin blades that have the speed of a sword and the strengthof an axe built for defence and large amounts of damage)
secondary: belt buckle: starter:leather buckle, best: champions buckle (only obtain by an ex dungeon solo) Buckles raise the fighting spirit and there for raises strengthand defence.
magic: not used in battle ( has the power of Maxwell the creator
skills: starter: 123 ( 3 shock waves) best: sword Slinger (uses his swords like a boomerang)
High ogui:...........................................
Blast caliber: crushing demon ( changes his fighting style to a rouge puts his swords on the back and hold them like daggers and unleashes large amounts of strikes and damage)
Mysic arte: Revolt (changes his fighting style to a spear man callson his own soul and turns it in to a giant glowing spear that he trows at the enemy)
star killer: Heavens lost wing ( changes his style to a knight and throws his left hand sword away calls on the spirit of fire Efreet, and the spirit of ice Celsius to make his sword glow as he jumps in the air and calls out HEAVENS LOST WING!!!!!!!!!
Costume: Tales of innocence :Spada Belforma :black Lion armor ( armor won buy getting all the getting all the books of the king) ( black armor with a strong chest plateand legging with lions painted on them, bracers and a helmet in the shape of a lion painted red, black and gold
side notes: he has a sister that can use magic but it is illegal in the world. He to can use a form of powerful magic which gets his sister and her pet hamster held captive. but everyone thinks that he can't use magic and the reason she was kidnapped was for her abilities but he know the truth about there origins and set off on a questto save her as her from a evil man who lead to the real villain their mother who want to save the world by sacrificing her childrenand thus the story goes on.
Tales of Xilla
by havoclover on Comments
looks Great in every way .
I want it so bad.so to kick this off just want to say this.
Lets play a game
by havoclover on Comments
What is you favroite special attack.
I like Sword Rain and power bresk with a slash of Kah ma ha ma ha on the side:D
whats yours
A shooter and a RPG what!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????
by havoclover on Comments
Mass Effect is a awesome series and i want 3 so bad my bum hurts from all the ass kicking i do.
I was never good at shooters and i was never good at running around picking people off and killing them one bye one but the game was so easy to pick up and the cut scenes awesome. Yeah it had some flaws but all great games do. I now like shooters and have promised my self that i would pick one up one day.I/m thinking Gears of WAR :D
Final Fantasy assessment
by havoclover on Comments
Final Fantasy has always been the Front man for all RPG's the did thing in both Graphics and teck that no one else has done.
They also stick toy a them of a mystical and rather old school theme and has always keep that skill.
But now trying new things in both turn based action and theme,games like dissidia,and kingdom hearts where born from the fray.
now we also have the arrival of ,13,13 x2,and versus 13, who game play is sure to be different in both skill weapons and story.
My question is is this a good thing.most players complain about the littlest of thing but most have very little problem picking them up and playing them over and over again.
I like and the old and when you can make a battle system like 13 with a story line that keeps you coming i gotta think.
Whats next 15,,20,what hols for the future of this series.
by havoclover on Comments
Mascots or rather little annoying character in games.
Like or don't like they bring a sort of funny in games that are serious.
Take it the Tales of series the always have these characters.
I usually have a hard time liking the guys simply because the are so annoying.
Maybe it's just me but i know the story need these guys but i could live with out tales of abyss little blue friend.
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