I am still alive for all of you who were hoping that I was not. Yeah I am talking about you. It has been a while since I posted anything.Between work and life's regular duties I only had time for the other important things, like gaming.
I have just completed Fallout 3 and all I can say is that it is one heck of a game. It has everything and lacks nothing. Well, almost nothing. I only wish that I could have continued to level up after level 20, but, after thinking about it it made perfect sense to end the leveling at 20 since it allows us to have a well balanced character.
A word of advice, play the game through at least 2 times. Once with a male character and then as a female character. Get the lady killer perk as a male and the black widow perk as a female. As forest Gump would say, "That's all I have to say about that."