name is Sparrow, Some man in a big hat with a strange disturbing smile, wearing an expensive jacket told me that I should write this. He told me to say that it contained SPOILERS or something to spoil meat. I have been wearing the same clothes since I started adventuring a few hours ago. I like to kill things, but I am still a good person on the inside. I never steal things, since that is a bad thing to do. I want to be a hero. I think the best way to become a hero is to kill many things and collect the little pretty balls that they drop.
When I do this I can use them to build myself up and become more dangerous to the bad things who get in my way. This way I can kill even more bad things and get even more pretty little balls. I have a steel one shot flintlock rifle which I use to kill things from a far distance and from up close, but mostly from a far distance. I have trained myself to target the bad things with a big red X so that I can kill them.
I use my big steel broad sword to kill bad things up close and personal. I have trained myself to block, move very fast and hit very hard with my steel sword. I never stay in one place when I fight and move about very quickly hitting the bad things until they fall down and cannot get back up. It is at this time that they always give me the little balls that I spoke about.
I am not as stuuppid as sum people may think just because I dance around for them trying to make them like me so that I can buy things at a discount. I no how to use magic. I use a shock spell to stun the bad things then I kill them with my sword or shoot them with my gun. I have used the little balls to upgrade my shock spell and now I can stun the bad things even longer and kill even more of them with my sword.
I like women sometimes. I had to married one of them to get inside of a gate with a face where I got a free house that was very pretty and a big pretty hammer. I don't who what happened but, she killed herself after we got on the other side of the gate because she did not want me to waste time supporting her. She killed herself but taking the safety off my brain and then running into my new hammer. It was a very sad time for me. Not because she had killed herself by running into my hammer, but because a little floating bed thing came out of my head.
I have worked as a blacksmith and they say that I am very good at it. I am so good that people say that I am nearly a master blacksmith. I also chop wood, but this is not as much fun as hitting hot metal with a hammer. I like to work. When I work I get money which I can use to buy things. I used some of the money that I have made working to buy my sword and gun that I use to kill the bad things to get the little balls that I use to upgrade my skills and abilities and stuff.
I have also used the money that I got from working to invest in businesses and buy one cottage in a nice clean farming community. I have found that this is a good way to make little sums of money every few minutes.
Well, that's all so far. I hope that the man with the crooked smile and the big hat is happy. I always seem to have to do whatever he wants me to do. It is like he is in total control of me and directs every aspect of my existence. At least I get to kill bad things, collect pretty balls, get more dangerous, get money, go adventuring, be loved, find pretty things and kill more bad things.