Wow, so much has gone on since the last blog post I've made. The podcast is still doing great, we just got done with our second annual Jamhole live show celebrating 404 episodes! You can watch the trailer at If you wanna see how the first one turned out, check it out at
It's time for the 2010 podcast awards, and I would really love it if you all went and gave my show The Jamhole a nomination for the Mature Category. Just go to and make that happen. It only takes a minute. I also started another podcast all about Cannabis called the Hot Box. Give that show a nomination under educational if you would be so kind.
We also have a brand new forums I made over at If you enjoy the show, come be a part of the community.
I also released a rap album with a friend of mine entitled Lyrickal and Mat Lee's Rap Music Project. It's free over at It has 13 tracks of pure Montana Hip Hop on it. Go get it, burn copies and spread the love.
I haven't really been playing video games much, unless you count angry birds and Alchemy on my droid x. Love that system by the way. Android is for sure where it's at.