haz_420 / Member

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Presents and Other thoughts...

Well, christmas is over, and the new year is right around the corner. Here is a picture of the naruto smoking set my friend got me for christmas. Its so cool and shiny, im afraid to use it.

So yea, other things i got was some cd cases for my dvd archives, some memory cards for my pda / phone, and the coolest gift of all, a nintendo ds dev kit. Its the EZ Flash IV, and its the coolest thing in the world. I dont even need to go into what this thing can do, cuz im sure you all know. I got 2 1 gig micro sd cards with it, and they are so freakin cool. Anyways, thats about it. Still playin final fantasy, started a new game of bomber man touch land or whatever its called, some spiderman 2, trauma center, meteos, magnetica, and mechassault:  Phantom wars, all for the ds, all very excellent games.  I'll be writing reviews for some of my more favorite games when i get some free time.

I'm stuck on this one level on trauma center, its so freakin hard i just cant seem to get through it fast enough. Its the level where you have all these anuryisms to get rid of, but once you get rid of the normal ones, like 5 more show up, and no matter how fast i drain them, they always end up bursting and killing my patient. I guess i'm just not cut out to be a doctor.

I dont really have a new years resolution, maybe to get a job and a car again, and get my life back in order, but thats about it. So i hope everyone has a safe new years, dont drive drunk or do anything stupid like that. PEACE!!!