hazardousracerx's's Gamespot Rank

Level: 37 (36%)
Rank: Heiankyo Alien
Points: 1324267

hazardousracerx's Emblems

  • Greatest Game Hero Bracket Submitter

    This emblem shows that you’ve submitted a bracket for GameSpot’s Greatest Game Hero competition. Let’s get in there and fight!

  • Greatest Game Villain Bouncer

    Because we can't just let anyone in. This user voted in the All Time Greatest Game Villain wild card round to help determine the final ten villains to join the battle royale.

  • Greatest Game Villain Henchman

    Hey, everyone's got to start somewhere. These loyal minions created a bracket to guess at who is the most vile of them all. Let's hope they don't get caught betting against their overlords!

  • Greatest Game Villain Loyal Minion

    Amplifying word of mouth by motivating influencers in the social graphspace. These faithful servants helped to spread the word about the Greatest Game Villain competition by sharing their votes or brackets by Facebook...evilly.

  • Greatest Game Villain D-List Evildoer

    You did bad, kid, but not bad enough. This junior class henchperson managed to pick the overall winner, but scored less than 100 points in the competition.

  • Greatest Game Sidekick Bracket Bender

    Have you seen my bracket, bro? It's straight baller! This user predicted the greatest sidekick and created a bracket. Let the bropacalypse begin!

  • Greatest Game Sidekick Brodeo

    "I hope you're a vet, 'cause these pythons are SICK!" This user ranked in the top 1000 and dominated in All Time Greatest Game Sidekick.

  • Comic-Con 2012 - Day 2

    There are many things to do with the internet, from watching videos of pop-tart cats in space to sending requests for help minding your farm. This user chose to spend some time on GameSpot's official Comic-Con site on day two, and for this we salute you.

  • Robocorn

    Hey look, it's a totally original dude wearing armor. With a huge gun and a helmet (a visor?). And he's riding a unicorn. This user was granted this magical emblem for not having any of their user profile images hosted on untrusted websites during The Great Purge of March 2013.