I know my presence here has been sporatic lately. I've been settling in to my new room at my brother's here in Nevada, dog-sitting, job-hunting, and reconnecting with old friends all at once, leaving me little time to actually spend online. That, and my bro's wireless router isn't up yet, so I have to rely on his comp for internet access instead of being able to use my laptop. It's been awhile since I've actually had to share computers, and I had forgotten how little time you could actually get on them when that was the case.
I havent' even had much time to play any PS2, let alone taking God Of War or Fatal Frame out for a spin. I have been managing to play a little old-school Phatasmagoria here and there, though, since it's not as big of a time commitment as the other games.
Now I have to remember to go buy my school books.