So I've said it 80 times, so I won't make the promise to be around more to you guys AGAIN, since I haven't been able to keep it so far... well, not since I think November. But I'm here now, visiting and trying to catch up with everything. I think that's part of the reason I don't come on here as often as I should - the idea of having to catch up with everything is daunting, so I stay away rather than having to get started.
Anyways, the holidays have been good, though I've spent most of them working. I go back to school for the 22nd, and will henceforth be anxiously awaiting my letter to tell me whether I've wasted this last year studying or if, yes, I will be getting into the master's program here. I'm desperately hoping for the latter, for obvious reasons.
I've been mostly playing Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus, which I admit isn't the best of games, but I love Vincent Valentine, so you'll hear no real complaints from me.
Anyways, I hope everyone is doing well, and I'll see you all soon (I'll try! I promise!)