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At last!

I have finally finished Fatal Frame 3, after many attempts at defeating the last boss.  She was hard, but I finally got the hang of her, and must say I kicked her behind the last time I had to try her!  Hurray!

I still perferred Fatal Frame II's story to this one, but it was most definitely touching.  What I love about both these games (we'll see about 1) is the fact that the antagonist is such a sympathetic character.  They're evil in that they try to kill you and cause so much pain to others, but at the same time, they became that way because they went through so much pain. It makes for very bitter-sweet endings.  You want to be happy that it's over, but you can't help but be sad, especially 3, considering the final cutscene. 

I started 1 a little, and must say it's going to take me a bit to get used to the different control scheme, and I have to agree with CB2 that the characters in this seem a bit bulkier and more clumsy to navigate so far, but I'm sure after playing more than 10 minutes I will start to get a better feel for them. 

Maybe I will start playing a little God of War first so that I can get myself out of the total horror frame of mind.