Football! Because girls loves to watch men playing football! xD
hecklion101's forum posts
I have a friend, she is a girl, and she loves to play Final Fantasy VIII even the game is old. I must recommend this game to your daughter :)
It depends on the person and the game. I am a person who can enjoy a game even the graphics in not that good but great game play. Most of the top games today have a great graphics and great game play.
I forgot the title but its all about the dinosaur.. @.@
Godzilla I think.. I did not appreciate it.. sorry.
When do you think this game will be release in real world??
I believe when this game appears on public, the publisher of that game will be a billionaire.. HAHA LOL
Hi there, you might also want to try our brain trainng game 'Tap the New Circle'. It may help your child developing brain capacity and working memory. The game can be downloading from the below link:
Please see also for other games that may interest you.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for the suggestion... I will try it using my phone..
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