I fully believe that God of War: CoO deserved a 9 or higher for an Editors Choice award. This game truly shows off just what a PSP can do. It's without a doubt among the best the system has to offer. And saying that the game offers very little in the way of new gameplay elements is an unprofessional biased opinion, IMO. Come on, it's a prequel!!!! How much "new" gameplay could you honestly ask for??!! And because it's obvious that Gamespot favors specific systems over others, I'm willing to bet that IF it was an Xbox exclusive it would have scored higher. They always do. Seriously, ask yourself how much Halo 3 (which certainly IS NOT a prequel) really offered in the way of new gameplay? And it still scores a 9.5. See my point? I suggest that CNET hires new, more intelligent, and unbiased reviewers because this site is becoming more and more bird-brained as time goes on...
Bioshock is an awesome game worthy of much of the praise it receives, but it is obvious that there are a few "framerate" issues in the 360 version. But that did't prevent me from having a great time with the game. What really gets me though, is that in the review, why didn't Gamespot just come right out admit that the game does have some "framerate" issues instead of beating around the bush by saying there are "annoying hitches that cause the game to freeze for a few seconds at a time"?. Hmmmm, sounds to me like he was told by some higher-up not to say the words "framerate issues" just to make the review sound better to those who read it. In any other game reviews, Gamespot is always real quick to point out any "framerate issues". But no, with Bioshock we have "annoying hitches". See what I'm saying? Gamespot needs to be more straightforward and to-the-point about how they write their reviews no matter what game and what system it's on!
LCD's do loose brightness, but it takes a considerably LONG amount of time before this would happen. Ive had my PSP since launch and its bright as it ever was. C'mon Gamespot stop leading people on!
There will never be another game like GTA3. NEVER! This game was the soul reason I, and many others, bought a PS2. A definite all-time classic. NO game will ever match its glory to fame.
Though there is no graphical difference playing it on the PS3, it does look more bright and colorful than on my PS2 even with component cables. Totally awesome game though! Can't wait for the sequels.
I personally think the 360's BC emulation isn't much to talk about. I've had numerous problems playing games. Games such as Forza Motorsport, and Baldur's Gate: DA2 (there are plenty more) have all kinds of glitches and/ or slowdowns. Plus there are many great games that aren't compatible at all (and probably never will be) like Elderscrolls 3: Morrowind. Think about it. How many games were actually backwards compatible when the 360 was released? Not many. I think PS3's BC is gonna be very similar to the 360's BC, Sony just doesn't want to come flat-out and say it. And I'm sure that it will be just as good if not better than 360 BC. Either way I think this is nothing but a complete over-reaction. Sony isn't stupid and I highly doubt it will effect their sales at all.
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