This morning at 7:30AM I went to my soccer game for the CSL Championship. before the end of the first half, I was running with the ball, when suddenly I felt this guys from the other team step on my leg. I would have been a normal tackle with no major consequences, if it wouldn't have been raining, and my right foot wouldn't have been the one stepping on the ground. unluckily, that was the case, and my right foot somehow got stuck in the mud, while this guy technically step on my foot, and I was able to feel how my leg was broken in half. After that I can't really remember anything else than me screaming so hard that I actually spitted blood out of my mouth, and a bunch of people right next to me waiting for an ambulance to arrive. That was it for me. My last game of the season with 10 games to go.
I was taken to the nearest hospital, and this is where I still am. I already have a cast in my leg, and I'm not suppose to move for 4 days, which means no work, or school until wednesday. After that, It'll be okay to move, but in a wheel chair until the beggining of 2008. Happy Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year to me. Hooray!!!
I had a Costume Party on Wednesday, not anymore.
I'm so f*cking down right now, I have no desire to eat, even though that's one of the things I love to do. Luckily, my good friend laptop is with me at this time. My cast is whiter than Michael jackson, and no one has written on it yet. My parents don't want to write on it, and my brothers are not in town. I'm expecting my teammates to appear any minute now, and screw my cast with obscenities.
So, let me make this blog a cast, and you guys can write on it. Go for it, write like you've never written before :P