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hellokids100 Blog

Tera Power Leveling Updated

Greeting! 3zoom updated Power Leveling for Tera EU & US Servers. Lower prices and reduce time for PWL. Come on and start your Level power. for more infos, plz add our skype:go3zoom

New Interview Sheds Light on the Upcoming Collections System of SWTOR

When picking up some special items and drops in Star Wars: The Old Republic, you may find that a lot of them are limited. It is sure that you could afford Revan's Mask, but you still need to decide which character to put on. However, it seems that it is going to change in patch 2.1. A new interview teased that the upcoming Collections system will allow you to unlock items you have obtained on one character for repeated access. Once you've obtained an item on a character, that item will be marked in your collection, allowing you to recreate that item for that character. Pay a few Cartel Coins and that item unlocks for every character in your account, including characters on other servers. The system will include mounts, armors, and pets, with more room for special promotions and the like in the future. source:mmosite

10% discounts for lineage 2 and aion accounts for the upcoming udpate

After 6 long years, the Legendary Dragon, Lindvior has finally emerged! Check out the trailer for our next major content update, Lineage II: Lindvior, today. Lindvior and his minions arrive this May, are you ready for battle? To celebrate the update of Lindvior in May, 3zoom now provide 10% discounts for lineage 2 accounts By the same time, aion na 4.0: Dark Betrayal launchs in June , Master the new Songweaver and gunslinger classes, hone new skills with an increased level cap, and explore new lands and dungeons. 3zoom now offer 10% discounts for aion us accounts and eu accounts for all the customers to get better accounts. for more infos , plz visit

are you interested in Tera:Standard Edition CD-Key[US]?

Tera:Standard Edition CD-Key[US] Notes: Standard Edition CD-Key will be sent by mail. TERA (US) is for North America, South America, Europe (excluding Russia) and Oceanic (Australia, New Zealand, Micronesia, Melanesia, and Polynesia) regions only. TERA (US) will block IPs from Asia, Africa, Russia and the Middle East region. if you are interested in it , plz add our skype :go3zoom

Blade and Soul [CN] account

Blade and Soul CN Server's 3rd CBT has been opened on May 7th at 2 p.m. (GMT+8). Blade and Soul [CN] has less restrictions and lower risk to get banned than Korea one. You will also experience excellent services and enjoy more joyful during your game. Besides, new contents are added into CN server the 3rd CBT. It is getting so close to the Korean server's content! Tencent always likes playing such Are You Lucky Enough to Grab a Beta Key? game. Dont miss this chance! Come to our site now to get your Blade and Soul [CN] account. for more infos, plz visit