New Interview Sheds Light on the Upcoming Collections System of SWTOR
by hellokids100 on Comments
When picking up some special items and drops in Star Wars: The Old Republic, you may find that a lot of them are limited. It is sure that you could afford Revan's Mask, but you still need to decide which character to put on. However, it seems that it is going to change in patch 2.1. A new interview teased that the upcoming Collections system will allow you to unlock items you have obtained on one character for repeated access. Once you've obtained an item on a character, that item will be marked in your collection, allowing you to recreate that item for that character. Pay a few Cartel Coins and that item unlocks for every character in your account, including characters on other servers. The system will include mounts, armors, and pets, with more room for special promotions and the like in the future. source:mmosite