The camera issue is true , but if you press R1 to lock on enemies should make battles more bearable because it reposition the camera to where the enemies are.
Don't involved politics with'll just shrink creativity...oh wait the industry want to cater to mainstream tastes since the ps2...never mind keep scrolling down.
Not to burst the bubble of the Daigo fans but if you look at 2:11 in the vid. you'll realize Xian could have crushed Daigo if it wasn't for the constant hadoukens to make himself some space and keep Xiam at a distance...that's what a lot of people do on online matches etc. I ain't that impressed with this victory, tbh. I'll say Xian put up more of a fight than Daigo, even though Gen style is meant to counter Akuma and Ryu's style.
@Michall @hellpolice the fact that you sound like you are defending blizzard's little contest is comical in itself pfff hahahahah! go get laid or something troll, lmfao!
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