GRAW 2 builds on much of the same as before. The demo itself is just 10 minutes long, but you get a pretty clear idea of what it's all about.
This time, the game is going to be played along the US/mexican border, so it's going to be more desert like areas and such.
The graphics are almost like in the GRAW, but with much more realistic shadows and light, and also cool explosion effects.
Some other new stuff is the full-screen cross-com feature, witch allows you to go into full screen and see what your soldiers are seeing in real time.
There are also a cool new drone, witch builds on this feature, and the same thing with the Maul ( a driving ammo and cover box)
The game itself seems awesome, and is going to be perfect for any GRAW fan.
Sorry about the late review but I catched a flu, and have been in bed much of the time.
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