Snowstorm was nothing.. The only mission infact that i died more than twice on was the one where you go to packie curch and are gonna drive his brothers dead body to the graveyard.. i died 3 times on that mission all the rest missions i have not died more than twice.. And i have not used any cheats what so ever..
Wow darn good post.. Well i dont like to say som1 already named but i kinda like "Dante" From devil may cry and nero for that matter.. They just remind me of me somehow.. Cloud for that matter aswell.. Theres alot more such as snake and stuff but he is to famous for me but hes attuitide is also very nice but he does not remind me of me thefore i do not write it.. But i really got to change name so this will not be my account no longer :=) See you!! Take care!
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