I'm a Sony Fan boy, I used to be a Nintendo Fanboy but with multiple dissapointment I moved to Microsoft back in the day but then later On Sony was releasing more games that I liked. I like claiming that Sony is the best. But would I want other console to stop existing? Microsoft still makes good other product that I like, So does Nintendo. I dont want any company to give up what they are doing. Because what each company does great gets used at some point by the others. Having competitor makes them Greater.
@9tailjeza Dont think people should expect Much third party character, Lot those character are from multi platform game and it will be harder to get the right for. Characters from Square Enix and Capcom are going to the bottom of the list of possible characters probably Because they are used for kind off allstar games already (Dissidia and the Vs Capcom series)
I think what we can look at first is Game that Sony actually bought the right by either Publishing or developing the game. This we have 18 years of Playstation to look across. The obvious character are definitly the Jax and Daxter and Ratchet and clank series. Im sure we will see Sackboy from Little big planet, Cole from Infamous, Maybe something from Katamari, a Hotshot Character. I dont have difficulty imagining some other franchise like Ico, Dark Cloud, As far as Third Party goes, I would have say Solid Snake but hes already in Smash, Maybe wed get Raiden or still from Kojima, Someone from Zone of the Enders,
Since they were able to get Big Daddy, Id like if theyd reach for Duke Nukem,
I can see ayabusa making the game as well as Disgaea character.
Ezio I dont think so since hes a Ubisoft character that already showed up in Soul Calibur V. not Long ago.
People are all freaking out like "Really already a new console?" but when you think of it, it has been more time since the release of the wii than the time it took between the gamecube and wii release. + they arent planing on releasing before next year, 6 years is the life lenght must of the console ever got. And to be honest, Since I hate the wii but still like Nintendo, it is the only company I want to release a new console. microsoft need to focus more on their games right now, and sony, well fix that psn already.
175$ to maybe see the anouncement of a game that will be tba for 2 years before getting a release date of 2015 (at best) then be delayed to 2016 ? There is nothing I wont be able to enjoy in my computer chair at home. If i'm tempted I'll maybe buy the streaming. But no way I would pay 175$ to see a game being announce. I'll save my money for Comic Con.
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