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arghhhhhh!!!!!!! One of the head pains that I have whit the game is in the mission Photo Oportunity, that mission is easy so my PS2 have a chip and read the copy DVD CD´s.

my San Andreas game is a copy DVD and in that mission you have to go a long way to César!!!!!!!. Before I get to César 3 times the game will stop!!!!!!! and I have to reiniciate the PS2!!!!, so that´s not all the pain. the other 3 times that I failed the mission is because I destroy the car of César!!!!! 1 of those I blow up the car, the second I trow the car in the water and the third a police trow me to ther water!!!!!!.

I almost trow the PS2 trow the window!!!!! so I will calm down and pass the mission (in the seventh time)