Am I the only one who thinks that Crysis 2 on console didn't looks so great. It looked scaled down, reminded me of Fear 2. Rage why is everyone this is the so called graphics king? Killzone 3, and U2 look way better. Maybe it was just the G4 video but it ain't wow me at all. An Gears 3 looks great, much better then 2, but better than U2 ? I don't think so.
hi381's forum posts
1) you haven't seen ANYTHING for the game 2) how is Sony finished 3) just yesterday you were saying you are not a lem...[QUOTE="Giancar"][QUOTE="KaoSXFACTOR"]
New Graphics King confirmed. Stick a fork in Sony, they're finished. :lol:
and you say you arent a cow? comeon now.
He has a point though, we've seen nothing of this new game how didn't it become the graphic's King all of a sudden ? Am I the only one who saw Crysis 2 running at the EA conference today? I't ain't look amazing, Killzone 2looked better.
[QUOTE="hi381"]Honestly, thats bull. Halo: Reach has more changes than Gears 2 did.Just wanted to say that Halo Reach doesn't look that much better than Halo 3. Gears 3 looks cleaner and more smoother then 2, Killzone looks terrific and addsmore than Kz2. I played the beta for Reach and as it was fun, it seemed more of an expanison pack then Gears or Kz.
True Gears 2 didn't change much from the first, but Reach doesn't seemed to have changed that much either. Gears 3 screen looks different, maybe it's just because they changed the chracter models or something. It looks smoother though, and Kz3 looks more epic.
Just wanted to say that Halo Reach doesn't look that much better than Halo 3. Gears 3 looks cleaner and more smoother then 2, Killzone looks terrific and addsmore than Kz2. I played the beta for Reach and as it was fun, it seemed more of an expanison pack then Gears or Kz.
The only reason this game got a 6.5 is becuase of the server issues right now, it HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE GAMEPLAY!!
Gamespot reviewed a game which hasn't even been patched yet...these are the worse servers I have ever seen, but Why couldn't Gs just wait till they patched it so we can all play without being dissconnected/ forzen every second. The should pf waited liek Ign and 1up, becuase once this game gets patched it will be one of the top 3 shooters period !!
Socom series has always been an AA- AAA screw the lemmings
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