I tried playing Female Shepard in one of my playthrough.. It's just got too awkward when male NPC's starts making advances on my MC.... I'm like er... yeah rigth... Jacob, you aren't getting into my metallic pants!
Being a Thai myself, I have seen so many mediocre games made by Thai gaming industry. I must say that Ong Bak Tri is a huge leapt forward for the industry. So even if this game may not be a commercial success. I'm still very happy to see that the Thai developers are still striving forward and hopefully, create better games in the future.
Wilson is proud of Diablo 3 and the mess it has become. He's now ready to implement a more sophisticated and creatively engineered RMAH on other Blizzard games.
I can't believe Capcom has stooped so low and so ignorant that they don't see the problem.. First day DLC+the crap "Super" edition of the game and scraps... Such elaborate scam can only go so far. Now they even call Operation Raccoon City a success... It's an utter crap to spun initial sales... It's bug-ridden and broken. Crapcom
This year really has a lot to offer in term of gaming... and for that I'm grateful, thank Gamespot for delivering contents and gaming news every year! =D
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