Well I have bought Guitar Hero today now I can play with my friends and my little bro:evil:. While I was looking for it I saw all these games for the price of 20$. I was amazed of all these great titles such as Half Life - 2 and Doom 3 collectors edition for the price of 20$. So I bought of course Doom 3 and Half -Life 2. I have never played Doom 3 nor the other series but I am starting to like Doom 3 even though it is scary as hell!!!
I just love the cover of Doom 38).
In my other life of events I have changed my mind of not to buy a 360. I am buying instead a Nintendo WII I am going to sell some of my games and movies just to save enough for later in the future a Nintendo WII. The reason is for me not buying a 360 is because of the price and not many great titles interest me , but as Nintendo WII in the other hand it has an affordable price plus some ga,es are interesting with the WII remote such as RedSteel and Legend of Zelda. So yeah I want my WII not my 360.