I have finally reached the level we all fear level 20 I am happy but yet sad because this is going to take a long time until I reach level 21 - Rescue Ranger. I have seen many people still stuck on level 20 since I first joined Gamespot. I dont want to be stuck like this forever so I am going to be posting some more posts on the orums.
I have finally received Hitman Blood Money for my PS2. I gotta say that I am really glad to see Agent 47 killing some criminals again. Of course the AI of the game is really stupid I tried once shot a cop and he absolutely did nothing , but still I love the game.
And yes my Guitar Hero is broken not the guitar but the CD. My little brother was running with his friends around the house. I accidentaly dropped the CD on the ground when I was going to insert it into my PS2. I was going to pick it up but my little bro beat me to it.............while he was running around the room he accidently stepped on it(no joke). I am going to buy another one thihs weekend since I get paid of my Grandmas job and I receive money hwen I graduate.:D