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highwaykind Blog

New layout - color fix :)

Since so many people were complaining about the bright white, I wrote a userstyle script to fix it. Might as well create a blog entry of my own to keep from spamming friends' blogs and the forum with the same message over and over again. Instructions: * Install Mozilla (and apparently Opera with Greasemonkey installed works too) * Go to and install the Stylish addon from there. * Go to and install the script There are 2 screenshots before/after there as well, so you can see what you'll get once it's installed. (It's just plain CSS code with !important added to override the CSS - you can change the code yourself if you hit "manage styles", so you can make this site show up in any color you want) Occasionally disable the script to see if changed things for the better, but until then this works :) I'll 'perfect' the dark brown version, hopefully this week. The script that's up now was just a quick "most ID's and classes" fix, 2 hours work. (some text might be black on dark-brown, but for most pages it's good) Yesterday I pulled the original CSS and I am now making changes to that, but it's a bit of a puzzle trying to figure out which thing they called what name. So it's gonna take a while, but after that ALL pages should look OK. When it's done I'll combine the rules to get a proper clear CSS file - and it shouldn't be too hard to update it to black on beige (#e6e3cc) then either as someone else suggested was better. Font size I can fix too I hope (depends on if the boxes get bigger along with the fonts, otherwise it's a bit too much work). For the coders: should I make it em's as well in stead of px which it is now, or since it's Mozilla doesn't that matter too much when it comes to magnification/scaling?

CSI.. minus 2.

CSI:Miami. The way Horatio talks is getting more and more on my nerves. I did not at all like the story line of him dating Delco's sister who had cancer (yet looked awesome) and then got killed. So I stopped watching last season I gave the season opener a try last week, and now I've really stopped watching. The threw in a cliffhanger that really did not make any sense. Why on earth didn't he just tell the kid " Actually, it looks like I *am* your father". And did I mention all the silly camera/editting effects and loud music (Am I really getting that old?) Aaaaaargh!! CSI:Las Vegas. Not a bad season opener at all (although I could have done without the coyote/wolf predictable thingie. Huge desert, yet they always appear at the scene within 10 minutes.. right). Like last year I probably won't mind missing an episode here and there. Not too big on Sarah/Grisson paired up either. So - thank goodness for CSI:New York! Still going strong, great cast, good stories, and no annoying romance crap. Although I do wonder where the guy with the deep voice vanished to? He does a lot of voice over work for PC games and that's where I recognized him from: Doom. (as well as some animated movies). His name is Grant Albrecht. Took me ages to figure that one out. Might be because I've repressed Doom from my childhood/adult life memories. I suck at shooting games and tend to be dead within 10 minutes. So I always played it with a friend who controlled the shoot button, while I walked around. I always check before I shoot if it's something I should kill or not, and by then it's usually too late. The only shooting game I'm really great at is the one on the BBC site for the SPOOKS training - where you are put in a training center and only can shoot the flip-boards with someone pointing a gun at you, and not the ones that show a picture of someone with their hands in the air. 100% score for me (and I couldn't die to start with - perfect game ;)) Anyway, back on topic. He was in a few season one episodes as a wheelchair using lab tech. No explanation why he left, and he is mentioned in the bonus video commentary on the DVD, so maybe they sent him on a really long holiday and one day he'll be back with a really nice tan? Or not.. just a loose end. Oh, and just because I can (and don't have much else to write about it) House 4x02 The Right Stuff was a good one :)

Burn Notice (MacGyver meets Alias!) and others.

My name is Sydney Bristow, seven years ago I.. Oh, wait! My name is Michael Westen.. and wth they just fired me! Very promising pilot ! It surely kept my attention throughout, and I really like this mix between MacGyver and Alias. Good attention to detail (no one wipes the fingerprint scanner, so you can lift a print from it), the guy is perfectly able to construct a working device out of several other items (without a Swiss pocket knife!), and well, I just like spook series :). This seems to become another good one. As for the other new series, I think I'm getting better and better at predicting what's going to get axed? Drive – thought it would get canceled - it did. Blood ties – Worst idea ever. Pretty sure it got axed. Raines – horrible. And canceled. October Road (ABC) – Don't know, but don't really care. Not the Everwood replacement I was looking for. The Riches. Stayed on, and I still like it :) Andy Barker PI – please tell me this indeed got pulled off TV FAST. Dirt - not sure what happened, but I'm not watching anymore. Painkiller Jane - I'm not a big Sci-Fi fan, bit I do kinda like this if I catch it. Reminds me of "Nikita" for some reason (but I never really watched that since it was on at 23:00...) Starter Wife - I could REALLY do without the weird dressing up Dorothy of Oz dream thing, but it's OK. Still really wish "Killer Instinct" wouldn't have gotten the axe because I thought that was really good...but well. Can't have it all. Slightly "quiet" on TV after all the finales last month. Kyle XY and The Closer started again, both good as usual. And Last comic standing started as well - has that just gotten less funny or are they saving the good ones for later ??

New TV series. Has anyone seen my ... axe?

I've been a bit of a sloppy blogger lately (and with this extremely annoying "Your HTML is not well formed" error it's not getting any easier to write one! I wish they would fix that sometime SOON.) There are some new series on and I think I checked all of them out. Dirt – Sounded quite promising, but I stopped after 4 episodes. Interesting idea of showing a character with a mental disorder. Good cast, but with a bad script/storyline. So. Not for me. Blood ties – Worst idea ever. And I am not even going to mention Buffy or Angel in the same blog. I liked Angela’s Eyes better and that got cancelled. Pretty sure this will be too… Raines – horrible. Illogical and boring (A detective talking, and seeing, dead people? Yeah, sure they’d let him keep his job..). I tuned out after 15 minutes. If it’s still on in 6 weeks I’ll check the latest episode…but I doubt I’ll have to. October Road (ABC) – Hmm.. more serious, with an OK story/somewhat interesting characters so far. I’m still looking for an Everwood/quilty pleasure substitute but I don’t think this is it…and I’m not sure if I’m going to watch this. The Riches. I’m not a big Eddie Izzard fan, but I do like these series. Quite entertaining, still (I’ve seen all episode so far). He’s gonna get fired though ;) (I think). Andy Barker PI – er.. nope. Not funny, and not working. Drive. The idea of a road-race series didn’t appeal to me. I don’t find risky driving that amusing. (Which is why I wish they immediately stated there were to be no violations of any rules…but I’m 5 minutes in and someone’s racing over the hard shoulder.) I’ve got the first two episodes, but 20 minutes in (yes I can type and watch TV at the same time) I’m already tempted to shut it off. Very unbelievable that all these people would just drop their lives like that and join a GAME to win 32 million dollars. But it’s not boring (yet?) and the actors are good. So I’m watching episode 2 , but I’m likely to tune out after that. Painkiller Jane. I don’t like SciFi. But it’s well acted and there is a nice combination of voice over and visual effects, so for someone who likes it this might be worth watching So in short – a lot of new, but bad, series. Which means I don’t have to worry about cramming them all into my TV watching schedule. custom avatar !

A friend informed me that from now on we could make our own avatars for (thanks for letting me know!), so I did some photoshopping.

Since above mentioned friend found a very friendly way to ask me "what the hell it was" *LOL!* I figured I'd explain it here.

There have so far only been 2 shows I've been completely hooked on from the first few seconds I watched. 
Alias and House.

So, I grabbed a standard Windows Vista Wallpaper picture, and brought down the opacity.
Then I typed the Rambaldi symbol in the font used in Alias , and I typed the House symbol in Century Gothic, et voilà. Done :)

highwaykind avatar

TV series podcasts

I love listening to audiobooks, I love watching TV series.
And thus I love podcasts.
All links named podcast are direct podcast feed links.

FOX has a couple of good ones ( usually a recap, sometimes extra's)

* 24 podcast
* Bones podcast
* House podcast
* Prison Break podcast

As well as all extra's in one podcast called All Acces with all the interviews with cast and crew and so on.

The one for Killer Instinct (which sadly got cancelled) was extremely well done as well... I hope that link is still working.

I can't get the one for Justice to work in iTunes (6 - whatever you do do not (yet) update to 7..very unstable. 7.01 is supposed to be a bit better but not perfect either)

Lost also has a great podcast as well, with a lot of cast/crew comments, but also with some spoilers(!). This is the podcast link.

Comedy Central has a fun video podcast with stand-up
( will play as mp3 if your ipod can't play video, at least on my iPod 30GB 5th it appeard in both the video and audio section ).