CSI.. minus 2.
by highwaykind on Comments
CSI:Miami. The way Horatio talks is getting more and more on my nerves. I did not at all like the story line of him dating Delco's sister who had cancer (yet looked awesome) and then got killed. So I stopped watching last season I gave the season opener a try last week, and now I've really stopped watching. The threw in a cliffhanger that really did not make any sense. Why on earth didn't he just tell the kid " Actually, it looks like I *am* your father". And did I mention all the silly camera/editting effects and loud music (Am I really getting that old?) Aaaaaargh!! CSI:Las Vegas. Not a bad season opener at all (although I could have done without the coyote/wolf predictable thingie. Huge desert, yet they always appear at the scene within 10 minutes.. right). Like last year I probably won't mind missing an episode here and there. Not too big on Sarah/Grisson paired up either. So - thank goodness for CSI:New York! Still going strong, great cast, good stories, and no annoying romance crap. Although I do wonder where the guy with the deep voice vanished to? He does a lot of voice over work for PC games and that's where I recognized him from: Doom. (as well as some animated movies). His name is Grant Albrecht. Took me ages to figure that one out. Might be because I've repressed Doom from my childhood/adult life memories. I suck at shooting games and tend to be dead within 10 minutes. So I always played it with a friend who controlled the shoot button, while I walked around. I always check before I shoot if it's something I should kill or not, and by then it's usually too late. The only shooting game I'm really great at is the one on the BBC site for the SPOOKS training - where you are put in a training center and only can shoot the flip-boards with someone pointing a gun at you, and not the ones that show a picture of someone with their hands in the air. 100% score for me (and I couldn't die to start with - perfect game ;)) Anyway, back on topic. He was in a few season one episodes as a wheelchair using lab tech. No explanation why he left, and he is mentioned in the bonus video commentary on the DVD, so maybe they sent him on a really long holiday and one day he'll be back with a really nice tan? Or not.. just a loose end. Oh, and just because I can (and don't have much else to write about it) House 4x02 The Right Stuff was a good one :)