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My Bioshock Review (Fixed)

Hi, everyone. I posted my Bioshock review yesterday (The 17th), and it got me 40 hits on my blog, so I figured I would post a fixed version of my review here. For some reason my review is one large paragraph, because the HTML coding was removed when I submitted it, but since I know HTML works in here, I will post a copy here. Enjoy.


Bioshock is a great game. There is a lot to say for it, so I will start off with the visuals.

The graphics in this game are very advanced. The water distorts vision, the ground shines, glass cracks, shadows create a deeper immersion. The list goes on and on. This game will be demanding on even the most upgraded rigs. The graphics deserve a 9/10.

Now onto the actual gameplay. One of the upsides in gameplay is that there a so many ways to kill your enemies, that it would take much effort to find, and execute each individual technique. The downside here is that because of the loads of ways to kill your enemies, you may never get a chance to try all of them.

Another high point in this game is that there are many "optional" areas of sorts. Your objective might tell you to go to point A, then return to point B, but because of the open environments, you can go make a 2 hour visit to point C. This game isn't open-ended by definition, but it gets fairly close. To fully appreciate the game, you must go in the opposite direction of your "objective arrow".

A very important upside in Bioshock is immersion, and this game sure delivers in immersion. Between the angry ramblings of the "splicers" (inhabitants of Rapture, whom have used way too many genetic modifiers, and have lost their minds), the announcements broadcasted across the facility, and the radio messages you periodically receive from numerous characters, I felt like I was actually in Rapture. It will be hard to break away when it's time to leave.

Another upside of the gameplay is numerous audio logs spread across the city of Rapture, which you can listen to, to be filled in on important things. There are well over 200 audio recordings, between the acquirable audio logs, and the archived radio messages. I give gameplay a 10/10.

Audio is a very important factor in a game of this style, however there is not much to say about the audio. It is well recorded, though sometimes difficult to understand among the many noises running simultaneously. There is a small audio bug, in which the tommy gun will not make noise while firing. I give audio a 9/10.

One final thing of which to discuss is replay value. The game is immersive, well plotted, and well though out, however the replay value is on the low side. After playing through the game once, you may want to replay again to finish piecing the elaborate story together, and there are multiple endings, though I find the game is one you play, then save for a time you are in the mood for a great game. I give replay value a 7/10.

I hope my review was helpful. I will now wrap this review up by listing value, and tilt. (Tilt is here to get the average up close enough to 10)

Value: 9/10

Tilt: 10/10

Final Rating 9.9 (I know that is higher than it should be but this is a great game)