I cant open the link but Lems definitly are not owned. I have seen lots of 360 gameplay vids and Crysis 2 easly tops KZ3, Uncharted 2 and GoW3.....you know, the cames 360 couldnt handle :P
in subHD, sure it can finally top the PS3 720p HD exclusives
It could be sub hd in 800x600,1152x720 or 1279x720.It seems if it was the latter one you guys would say its sub hd...What matters is that game looks clean and smooth and is the best looking console game :)
according to lens of truth, Crysis 2 cant even beat Killzone 2 lol, even subHD-ing it wont help. Now imagine if Killzone 2 was subHD, it would own crysis 2 to hell
PS3 vs 360 : Retail Version http://www.lensoftruth.com/head2head/verdictscreen-shot-comparison/head2head-crysis-2-retail-screenshot-comparison/
Lems happiness, only lasted a few days. Owned
I cant open the link but Lems definitly are not owned. I have seen lots of 360 gameplay vids and Crysis 2 easly tops KZ3, Uncharted 2 and GoW3.....you know, the cames 360 couldnt handle :P
in subHD, sure it can finally top the PS3 720p HD exclusives
For some reason, the MODS wont let us post pictures anymore. But it worked perfectly fine the last 3 days when Lems were posting pictures back n forth. Ownage?
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