If Nintendo is to blame, where's the other four fingers pointing to? HD gaming gave the hardcore the graphics that they demanded, however, until now, no one really knew the price that they have to pay for it. Nintendo knew that, and that's why when they are asked why aren't they making the jump to HD, Nintendo pointed out that not everybody have HDTVs in their house. It's a good explanation, but that explanation is only scratching the surface. The Gamecube and the N64 both emphasized graphics, and they both are disappointing. Nintendo is backed to a wall here, do they keep going the graphics route and compete with Sony and Microsoft?
For the average hardcore gamer, looking at it now, that's a no brainer. Now picture all three consoles with HD graphics. Now what? All three are expensive to develop, and the only way you're going to be able to cover those expenses are to sell your company to big name publishers like Activision-Blizzard, EA, or Ubisoft. Two of them only see the green and treat the red as the root of all evil. The only games that can sell are established licenses (Madden, GTA, and Call of Duty), FPS or RPGs, and we all know that games with new concepts like Prince of Persia and Mirror's Edge have flopped commerically, and yet games like Call of Duty: WaW and Need for Speed: Undercover are both selling well. What kind of message is that sending to the publishers? This is a beginning of a very slippery slope, and sooner or later, the popular genres are going to be oversaturated, and because it's too risky to innovate, creativity have died and commercialization took its place. They are signs that have brought the downfall of the Hip-Hop and Rock industries, and the ones that brought Hollywood to its knees.
Why do companies like Pixar do so well even though they have only released one sequel in their timeline so far? Andrew Stanton once said that he never looks at what the market wants, he decides that he wants to make and if they don't like it, leave it. A lot of people were skeptical of Wall-E, and yet it was adored by both critics and audience. Super Mario Galaxy is so far arguably the best game of this generation, and it was a work of art. Yet this game is also innovative, and above all else, it is a fun game to play for everyone without feeling shallow. This industry is no longer progressed by how many polygons are in a model, but on experiencing gaming in a new and fun way.