Something Kinda Nice Could Happen To Me...
by hiren_nfsmw on Comments
I just went GameStation today and saw this competition that they were holding so I decided to join... well in the competition I had to face the staff in a best of three match in Dead or Alive 4 on XBox 360. I have never owned any XBox products or played more than 10 minutes in my whole life. So I decided to just try. I was the ninja guy BTW. In the first match I button-mashed and won. In the second match I just got truly owned. In the final round I found out how to block so I blocked then hit, then block then hit; and thanks to God I won! :D:D:D:D. Anyways after that they asked for my name and number and put me in the winners list. They are going to pick one of the winners at random and give them a XBox 360 Core System + a copy of DOA4 ofcourse. So now there are only a few people I'm aginst so I have got about 20% chance of winning as I was the first person to win and the first person to befriends with the staff ;) Anyways guys and gals please wish me luck becasue this could be the first time I've actually won something in my life :?! Thanks for reading!