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I am BACK!!!!

Hi, I am back from my 30 day suspension. Sorry, if I wasn't posting, but LameSpot suspended me for no reason. I got one more chance, then I'm banned, so I will be good.

The Rules

I feel like posting the rules. Here are the rules:

  • Offensive Material: Users may not transmit or encourage others to transmit material or links to material considered patently offensive in nature. This includes, but is not limited to using vulgar, profane, or sexually explicit language; using race, religion, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, disability, nationality, or gender as a means of insult; using threatening, harassing, defamatory, hate-speech, or libelous language; and posting, requesting, linking to, or otherwise sharing material considered pornographic, obscene, graphic, or hate speech. Failing to abide by a warning that material or terms are offensive or prohibited is a violation.

    Some additional notes on the Offensive rule:

    • Using terms for homosexuality or mental or physical disability as a means of insult in any way towards anyone or anything is considered offensive. This includes, but is not limited to, insinuating certain people (including video game characters) are homosexual or disabled in an insulting way, calling things gay or "retarded" as a synonym for "stupid", or using offensive slang terms. The use of any such derogatory language will result in an automatic suspension.
    • Jokes or humor about rape or incest are generally considered patently offensive.
  • Vulgar language or substitutes for such:Our Service is programmed with a list of words that are considered vulgar under any context, and these words are not allowed to be used under any circumstances. Attempting to bypass the censor by misspelling, inserting spaces or symbols, transposing letters, using look-alike symbols, or any other method is not allowed. The only acceptable method of posting one of these vulgar words is to completely obscure it, making it impossible to determine what the word is without context. Additionally, certain words are prohibited from being used in topic titles and user information pages; bypassing the censor to post those words where they are restricted is also disallowed. For example, if "gris" is a banned word, the following are examples of bypassing that are not allowed: g-r-i-s, gr*s, 9|-1$, girs, gryeeeas, Allowed: ****, , ****ed, ****ing, g'ed, g-word. (Note: Neither -ed nor -ing are parts of the banned word "gris".) Taking advantage of any limits in the Service's language filtering capabilities is not allowed. Any limits in such filters shall not be taken as permission to bypass rules regarding vulgar language.

    Some additional notes on the Vulgar Language/Censor Bypass rule:

    • Just because a word is blotted out does not mean it cannot be a violation. If a posting is self-censored but still is in clear violation another rule (i.e. calling someone an obscured racial term, insulting a user with "**** you"), it is still a violation.
    • In certain cases, some legitimate, inoffensive words may be inadvertently flagged due to constraints of the censoring system. In these cases, a user should still take steps to ensure that their message does not contain the disallowed word, and report the inadvertent flagging to a moderator or administrator.
    • Cursing in foreign languages also falls under the vulgar language rule, and is not an acceptable substitute.
  • Posting in Languages Other Than English:Foreign languages are only appropriate on regional forums and unions that cater to a location where the language is widely used. Any non-English content on the site that does not fall within the exception will be removed. For example, Japanese language should not be used in any forums except on the GameFAQs World: Japan forum and the GameSpot Japanese Union.

  • Flaming:Communications clearly insulting other users, individually or as a group, directly or indirectly, are not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to: name-calling ("You're an idiot", "You moron"); direct insults and orders ("Screw you", "Go kill yourself"); insinuations ("Are you stupid or something?"); or insults towards family ("Your mom...").

  • Trolling (Inciting flames):Messages intended solely to annoy and/or offend other users by going against the clear nature of a board, topic or chat room are not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to: provoking other users to respond with flames; provoking fans of a particular system or game, especially on boards or topics dedicated to that system or game; making misleading topic titles; asking obviously useless questions; posting false information as fact; and using another user's quote in your signature without permission.

  • Illegal activity:Communications that violate or incite others to violate the law are not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, asking for or providing: illegal copies of copyrighted software; methods of circumventing copyright protection; methods of cheating in online games; illegal copies of copyrighted music, movies, videos, or any other type of media; reprints of material from web sites or text sources; or any sort of plagiarism.

    Some additional notes on the Illegal Activity rule:

    • Game music, like most other music, is copyrighted. Distributing MP3s or other sound files from a game or any other source without the consent of the copyright owner is illegal.
    • Exchanging files using torrent technology can be illegal. When you are discussing your use of the technology the burden is on you to show that you are using it for a legal purpose by explicitly indicating the legal files that you are uploading and/or downloading.
    • Discussion of mod chips, copying games, playing copied games, cracking games, No-CD patches, piracy releases, homebrew, copyrighted ROMs, copyrighted ISOs, and basically anything related to game, movie, TV, or music piracy is not permitted.
    • Discussion of illegal drug use or abuse is not permitted.
    • Discussion of gambling is not permitted.
  • Advertising: Messages that clearly advertise a service or product are not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to: unsolicited commercial or personal web site advertisements; For-Sale/For-Trade/For-Auction/Wanted notices; "Make Money Fast" scams, chain letters, and pyramid schemes; or any referrer-ID based sites (including both games and free-item marketing sites). Users are allowed to include their web site address in a signature, request comments on their personal site in a social setting, or provide, only once, an interesting or relevant link to another site. If a user directly or indirectly profits from a site or link, it may not be posted on the Service.

  • Off-topic postings: The main purpose of the message boards and chat rooms within the Service is to provide discussion forums and opportunities for various video and computer games and their systems. Topicality is expected and will be enforced on all message boards and chat rooms not noted as purely social in nature.

  • Disruptive Behavior:Behavior that disrupts the Service for other users, intentional or not, are prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: messages or topic titles that force browsers to scroll horizontally; large blank or content-free messages, including quoting another user without adding any additional content and posts that consist only of one or more smiley faces; "rick rolls" (posting misleading or disruptive links); "bumping" older topics (posting in them well after the last post); posting identical or near-identical messages or topics, including "fad" posts or topics; intentionally hard-to-read topic titles or posts (i.e. ALL CAPS, AlTeRnAtE cApS, no spaces, no or excessive punctuation); posting hard-to-read or nonsensical messages in a single or multiple topics; posting large ASCII art (except in social topics specifically calling for it); or post counting (i.e. "First", "100th Post"). Shouting or otherwise creating noise in an active voice channel is considered disruptive behavior.

    Some additional notes on the Disruptive rule:

    • Extra-harsh penalties will be applied for posting any link that overtakes a person's browser or computer when clicked on.
  • Plot Spoilers: Posting "spoilers" (critical plot details) about games, movies, time-delayed broadcast events, or other media in the title of a topic or in a message without a clear notice is prohibited. To discuss such information in a topic, users should leave the title of the topic as vague as possible, ensuring that no mention of the actual spoiler itself is included, and include a warning (i.e. "SPOILER") in the topic title. In a message post in a non-marked or otherwise unexpected topic, users should leave several blank lines in a post after a warning before revealing any vital plot information.

  • Flooding, Invading, and Board Wars:Flooding a board or chat room with disruptive topics or messages; invading another board (flooding a board as a group with topics or messages); instigating, participating in, or retaliating in an invasion of a message board or any other online service; announcing or inciting a "war" or any conflict with the regular members of another board. Posting a link to a third-party site that allows modification (i.e. posting comments) in a situation where an invasion is even remotely implied (i.e. "Look at this stupid blog") will be considered an invasion.

  • Impersonation: Impersonating other users by creating and/or using a user account with a name clearly intended to impersonate, mock, or antagonize another user, or otherwise falsely claiming to be another member is strictly prohibited.

  • Harassment/Stalking/Privacy: Continual harassing behavior directed towards a certain individual or group with the intent of creating an intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment on the Service, with or without use of explicit or implicit threats, is strictly prohibited. Posting contact or other private information of any person (Service user or not) is also prohibited.

Hi Bak!

I was wondering what you meant when you said I was harassing you. I will post the conversation that we had on Xbox Live yesterday if you forgot:

Bak was playing Oblivion.
Me: Should I buy Oblivion?
Bak: ????????????
Me: Would you like me to dumb it down for you?
Bak: sure?
Me: You are playing a game called Oblivion. Do you think I should buy Oblivion?
Bak: stop harassing me! i will file a complaint against you.
Me: I am not harassing you! I just want to know if Oblivion is a good game.
Bak: i told you to stop harassing me! i will remove you from my friends list!
Bak removes me from his friends list.

If your name is not Bak, can you tell me if $19 is a good price for Oblivion? Thanks.

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