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historickiller Blog

Hand Held = Not So Good Game

I got a PSP and Call of Duty: Roads to Victory and the game sucks, It has bad graphics, the controls on the PSP are awkward, and the game doesn't have that good of a storyline. In almsot every mission, it's a different soldier. Yeah it had a plane sequence, but the controls are weird and it just didn't appeal to me. Games like Medal of Honor Heroes 1 and 2 have bad graphics also and the controls are jsut as bad.

Favorite Glitch

My Favorite Glitch is called ghost machine gun, It is on the map Foy in Call of Duty: United Offensive. It is at trp 10, it is that blown out building that is adjacent to the road in front of the church with the machine gun. The trick is to get right over the machine gun on the partly exposed roof. Go Prone and press F, it looks like no one is on the machine gun but ur firing though the sights. For me, It gets laggy when you look at the church. The Enemy can still see your body on top of the roof, and even if they don't see you, one or two hits with a tank or anti-tank weapon on teh machine gun will take you out. Doing this is possible in any Call of Duty game with a covering over the machine gun but it's still possible to man it. In Call of Duty 4, I know it in Ambush.

Gotham Games Low Quality

Gotham Games most popular games like Conflict: Desert Storm, Conflict: Vietnam, and The Great Escape have a low quality. Even though The Great Escape is pretty good, the graphics are horrible and is really really challenging. I couldn't pass the First Desert Storm and it's hard just getting past the tank in the 3rd level of Conflict: Desert Storm 2: Back to Baghdad. And this is just me here, I a mean, I'm not a fan of third person shooters but, this game has low quality graphics and first person shooters are just better.

Cool Call of Duty: Untied Offensive Map

If you own Call of Duty: United Offensive and still have the 1.4 version, check out this cool jeep map. And that's what it's called FunJeepMap. You can play it at 90thInf|FunJeepMap24/7 run by 90th Infantry Clan . It is so fun and has a glitch where you can go under the map using a jeep on the tower meant to go down a ramp, there is an elevator that goes up to the tower but the tower also has a spawn point. I personally back up the jeep onto the spawn point so my teammates cant drive the jeep and it kicks enemies and teammates right off of the tower. Then, I got on the machine gun on the jeep and mow down enemies coming up the elevator.

This map has 4 spawn points, each with mini spawns for individuals. The German jeep spawn, the Russian Jeep spawn, the American Jeep spawn, and the Tower Jeep spawn. It has open spaces and perfect for snipers. If you are fighting on the ground, I recommend Semi-Automatic Rifles and Submachine Guns. If your in the tower, I recommend the bolt action rifles, the M1 Garand and the Thompson for the enemies coming up the elevator.

Favorite Games

I say that the two best game series for me has to be Call of Duty and Medal of Honor. The Call of Duty series has a great singleplayer campaign showing accurate battleground, like the Battle of the Bulge, Battle of Kursk and the Battle of Berlin. If has entertaining multiplayer, like the addition of vehicles in Call of Duty: United Offensive and the Perk and Challenge system in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. But Call of Duty: United Offensive is my favorite, with its tanks I can kill everything in my path, the jeeps get me around in the bigger maps, the 88's help me destroy the tanks, the additional weapons and anti-tank weapons are awesome, and the maps have more glitchs than in Call of Duty which makes it a little funner. I admit, I was addicted to Call of Duty 4's multiplayer for a while because it is so fun with the Challenges that I can unlock. And I only have PC so I bet its even funner in PS3 and XBOX 360 because they have Priesteige Mod which gives them and extra 10 ranks to unlock. I was a little impatient when they got the new maps and PC didn't, but then I came across 1.6 on xfire and I downloaded it. I had to download 1.4 and 1.5 first, but it was worth it. And 1.4 gave me a new map called Snow Crash like Crash except a little more funny. The more variaty of weapons in CoD4 made it even funner with the extras you can put on it. But now I like the classics! My only disapointment was the game Call of Duty 3 on the Playstation 2, It wasn't that hard and the multiplayer was very laggy.

Medal of Honor, I have to say is a great series. It has intense levels and great opera music! The music made it even more intense. My favorite game is Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault for its surprisingly accurate combat like the Makin Atoll Raid and Guadalcanal with historical figures. And I love the fighter sequence when you have to fight off Japanese Zeros off the tail of a SBD Dauntless. And you get to get in the cockpit and destroy targets on an unknown island and destroy a Carrier and Destroyer. It is very challenging when you have to play the Tarawa Atoll levels. In my spare time, I play Medal of Honor: Frontline and Medal of Honor: Rising Sun on my Playstation 2. They don't have teh best graphics, but they are fun with more challengin levels. Medal of Honor: Airborne Assault is very fun but it has one of the worst multiplayers. Medal of Honor: Airborne has the option to choose what objectives you want to complete first, and you can land anywhere in teh map via parachute which is not that common for games. It has the best graphics, it is only second to Call of Duty 4 in that factor. Medal of Honor basically started the World War II genre and that makes it one of the best FPS Gaming Series.

Brothers In Arms has probabley the best graphics in means of every game and it is extremely interactive with the ability to issue orders to your squad (i.e. Hold Fire!, Move to the Position!, Supress That Target!). This game series is also credited for accurate detail of the facts and the building placements like where certain positions were and people who were there. Even though the squad are fictional characters, it is jammed packed with historical characters. But it has strong language and I do not recommend this game to people under 17 or 18.