@Patohua1 @gameroutlawzz A video game doesn't need to have a well-developed narrative in order to be a good game. In fact, the game does have a narrative. Toad and Toadette are travelling to different worlds to hunt for treasure, until Toadette is captured by a creature named Wingo, and Toad must then rescue her from him. It's a simple storyline, and though it's a bit too similar to the cookie-cutter storyline that is in almost every Super Mario Bros. game, it works for this game. That's because the game is first and foremost a game about puzzle solving. It doesn't need to have a character-driven thought-provoking storylilne in where we delve deep into the minds of Toad and Toadette. There are other games in where a well-developed narrative works well and is essential to the game. But this game doesn't need that. I would be too busy solving the puzzles to care about the story. I don't think a game like Tetris would be improved on if it had a well-developed narrative, either.
@Chico86_basic I agree. When people were claiming that Mario Kart 8 runs at 1080p, but actually runs at 720p, I believed them. To be completely honest, I can't tell the difference between 1080p and 720p. If I see a gorgeous game, I see a gorgeous game. I don't care how many pixels are on the screen.
@klugenbeel You're accusing @Akijo of being biased, but you are saying that Nintendo "sucks", and have dismissed all his arguments as "fanboyism". He's not the one with the bias here...
historywhiz4k's comments