hladyb4 Blog
A users guide to the Sims community.
by hladyb4 on Comments
I can go anywhere I want to except the one place I want to be.
by hladyb4 on Comments
How ironic. I can surf all over the place...no problem, but the one board I want to be on and I can't go there. Since this afternoon, everytime I try to go there I get "404 error in Apache bridge".
Whatever that means. I tried the one source that should know what that is, the internet and what do I get...nothing. I get plenty of sites that want to sell me registry cleaners and fixers, but nothing to tell me just exactly what it is. The information highway seems to be road blocked. So here I sit writing this mini rant. I am so not a happy camper.
Xenosaga III
by hladyb4 on Comments
To Buy or Not To Buy......
by hladyb4 on Comments
I haven't bought the XBox 360 and I probably won't be buying the Playstation 3 either. Why? Sometimes I feel like we are being led around by our noses or more aptly our wallets. Every few years (it seems) we have the war of the consoles. Where every company that makes these things tries to outdo his competitor with higher powered and increasingly more expensive toys. I was/am happy with my PS2. It reminds me of the old adage "if it ain't broke...don't fix it". Right now, I feel that the prices are too high. I just can't justify that kind of expense. As long as support for the PS2 is there and games I want to play are still being made for it, I'll stay with it. Maybe in a couple of years when the prices drop to a more reasonable amount I'll relent. I already have a new computer, a nearly new PS2 and a gameboy. I just don't need any more toys.
On a different note. Every once in a while I get massive game burnout and I'll get away from the computer or PS2 for several days and find other things to do. Don't get me wrong, my life does not revolve around the PC or gaming. I have a ton of other stuff I have to do before I can ever take a break and surf the net or play a game, but still if I play more than normal, I do get bored with it all. That's what happened to me this week. I haven't touched the PC in four days, except to check my emails. That's it. I rarely use the PS2, unless a new game I really want comes out. I love to read, so in my spare time that's what I've been doing.
Things that go thump in the night.
by hladyb4 on Comments
This is totally unrelated to games or gaming. Yes people there really is life away from a monitor or TV screen.
I like hard driving music as much as the next person, in fact, metal is my favorite music. Just not at 2 AM. I'm assuming it was metal, could have been rap. Who knows. All I could hear was the constant annoying bass, over and over again. I live about 4 doors down from the idiots who do this and it was loud enough to keep me awake. So I can just imagine what it's like for their most immediate neighbors. They stopped for about 2 weeks, when someone called the police on them, but they are back to doing it again. Trouble is once it stops I still can't sleep, because I am all hopped up from it. I had to get up at 7 AM, after having only a few hours of sleep. Now I feel like crap, from lack of sleep.
You can set my mood as tired and grouchy.
Changed my preferences.
by hladyb4 on Comments
After toying with the idea all of yesterday, today I went in and changed from friends only/no comment to everyone/comment. Why? I have no idea, except I like the exchange of ideas. I figure if I don't like what you have to say, I'll delete it.
I took a 17 month break from the Sims and computers. From Jan. 2005 until April of 2006. I needed that time to take care of real life stuff and truthfully I didn't it miss at all.
I started fresh in April, new PC and all of the EPs (including FF). When I left I only had The Sims 2, no EPs at all. It was like starting out all over again. Now I have over 3,500 downloads. I have decided not to download anything else, until after Pets comes out, because I don't want to have to take anything out of my game.
Interesting side note, one of my neighbors is on the Geek Squad. I know a lot of geeks, but he's my first official geek. He works for Circuit City on their Geek squad and of course he does make house calls. I haven't had to use his services yet, but it's nice to know where to find a geek when you need one. You know your fast on your way to being one yourself when the idea of a geek living a few doors from you is exciting. Maybe it's because, he's an official geek. On the side of his car it has "Geek Squad". How cool is that?
Sims 2 Pets
by hladyb4 on Comments
Well it looks like I'll be buying two copies of The Sims 2: Pets, one for the PC and one for the PS2. After looking at all of the pics and reviews, my daughter has decided that this is a must have game for the PS2. Too bad it always costs more for the PS2, oh well.
The Sims 2: Pets looks like it's going to be a really great EP. A lot of people wanted the sims to have Pets (me included). Some people remember how it was with Unleashed for The Sims and remember getting bored with it pretty quick. I have that EP (I have them all) and about a million downloads for the Sims and EPs. I don't know if I will ever play it again, but a lot of my downloads I bought, so who knows. I liked Unleashed and I never did get bored with it and face it Pets is a hundred times better, just like Sims 2 is about a hundred times better than The Sims.
The one EP from the Sims I didn't much play was Superstar. I really lost interest in it really quick. I could have done without Making Magic as well. I did enjoy Unleashed though.
It's kind of strange to be thinking about the next EP when Pets hasn't been released yet, but people are, including the Maxis team who have already strarted asking what people would like to see in upcoming EPs. So expect at least one or maybe two more EPs for the Sims 2. This is a huge money maker for EA, with a very large and active online community.
The Sims community is huge. If you own the game and haven't been to any of the hundreds of sites devoted to the Sims 2, you should. While their are a lot of pay sites out there, we also have an equal number of free sites. If you only visit to download that's cool, but there is also a lot of information and who knows you might make a friend or two. Not to say there aren't a bunch of jerks in the community, cause there are (just like real life), but it doesn't take long to figure out who they are. Also in the creative community we have a few cliques of kind of snobbish creators who only associate with other creators. They look down on non-creative types. Which is okay with me, because after reading some of their posts, you really wouldn't be all that interested in them anyway. I like people who have lives away from the Sims and can talk about other things.
Anyway, I'm one of those people who is really looking forward to Pets. I have dogs in real life and so I suspect my game will lean toward dog ownership. My daughter loves cats, I see her game heavy with cat owners.
I wonder.
by hladyb4 on Comments
I wonder about the wisdom of sharing your thoughts with people who are virtual (excuse the pun) strangers. Though I confess to have been more open to it lately. I have found that the harder you try to sound interesting and amusing the less you are. So I won't try. I'll just be me and share a little of what I've been thinking about.
One of the topics at my house has been the amount of time it takes for the US to get Japanese titles, a good example of that would be Final Fantasy XII. Personally the wait for games doesn't bother me nearly as much as the way they play with us. Will a title be available in the US or not? Sometimes we wait forever just to be told it won't be made available here. Okay that's their prerogative. I would suggest that games not be reviewed in US gaming magazines until it has been announced that it will actually be shipping here. I hate seeing what great new game the Japanese are enjoying that we will never get. Which leads me to my next question. Why are developers here not coming up with great new RPGs? You can't tell me no one in the USA knows anime.
Sounds a bit like a rant doesn't it? Not so. We invest a lot of our hard earned cash in these consoles. New titles should be released internationally at the same time or at the least a few days after initial release. It can be done. The Sims: Pets will ship in the US Oct. 17 and overseas on the 20th. I think it's a power play and I wouldn't be surprised if politics doesn't come into it in some fashion.
On second thought...you may consider this a rant. :lol
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