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hm_xtreme333 Blog

Well it's been a while - back with some sort of a purpose(Brawl lol)

Hey everyone it has been quite a long time hasn't it? I doubt anyone remembers who I am or even cares at this point - but I thought I'd blog's been about 2 1/2 years since I left GS and since then I've made sporadic appearances. High school ended and university began(just taking general courses ATM). Things have changed yet quite a bit is apparently much of the same.

Perhaps those of you remember me during Brawl's heyday - when it was just released. I was that dude that trash talked everyone for the hell of trash talking everyone. If you scroll down to my first blog(not far off since I barely blog) you'll see me promoting a site - that's kinda what I'm doing now xD.

I haven't really played at all lately, and I'm sure many of you have moved on from Brawl. I plan on getting a PS3 sometime soon but I digress. Strangely enough my 'lust' if you will for SSBB has been re-ignited and I've restarted playing it on a competitive level online(the tournament scene is practically dead here in WC Canada so AlllisBrawl is the best I've got =/) Well to those of you who remember this clan known as the S8 and/or the TSR(The Shadow Regiment) from 2008 - well me and a few guys are reviving it. Kolbie, Unholydeath123, and Dyxnar to an extent have decided to bring an old place back up for chat. Like before(for those that remember lol) it will be a a xat chat where people can talk or drop by if they're bored.

However my main request lies with those of you who still Brawl on a competitive level - it'd be nice of you guys to join us in this - we could use all the help we can get. We want to have strong foundations so we can expand. Expect me to blog here a bit more often on various things whenever time permits haha.

Here's the site link:

It'd also be greatly appreciated if people could help contribute in making the designs for this new site. Any help would be very appreciated! We are only in our starting phase and I hope we grow.

Well I'll see you all later - hope to get some feedback. Peace...

A blog a year.

So, I just logged into GS after a LOOOONNG time and realized that my last blog was just under a year ago. It amazes me at how much time flies. I posted because well... I guess it was just for that 'nostalgia' factor. So... what's up?

Brief Thoughts on E3/ Fave animes that I've recently been watching*Spoilers!*

Well I'll get straight to the point and get E3 out of the way first. I thought the show kicked a$$ and Nintendo DEFINITELY had a big step up from last years garbage. I also enjoyed Sony's E3 conference.(I youtube'd the vids so I never really was able to watch it due to school and all)

The Other M looks totally awesome and I am also interested in their other announced titles(never played a Golden Sun game but this new upcoming one looks good. Hopefully it lives up to the praise I've seen people give it).

Now on to animes.. I haven't been watching animes in recent years but a few months ago I decided to give two animes a try. I am currently in the middle of Death Note but I have just finished watching Full Metal Alchemist as well as the movie. I have to say that these 2 shows are simply awesome and deserve the recognition they've been given. DN has so much depth and is so well put together each episode feels epic. As for FMA I'd consider it my fave anime of all time based on the emotion, plot, fight scenes, as well as the epicly amazing soundtrack(xD). Seriously if you are into anime and have not seen FMA you HAVE to check it out. As for DN I'm sure most people have seen that right?


I was really pissed when L died. And sad. I mean he was probably the coolest character in the show. I want to ask anyone whose seen DN, who did you prefer? Light or L? I choose L simply because I saw him as the more likeable smarter guy. He was at a disadvantage against Light but even so he was able make great conclusions. I've only got like 8 eps to go. So far I am liking Near and Mello. They aren't as awesome as L but they at least fill the void that was made after L died(='/)

Anyway thats it for now. Any awesome animes you guys recommend watching?

Wow its been a while....

Well I doubt people will even remember who I am(lol). Just thought of posting a blog since E3 is almost approaching. I'll try to do my best to become active on GS again on a more weekly basis. I hope not much has changed since i last 'left'.

Soo whats new... xD?

A Blog =O?

Yeah after 2 months or something I thought I would make a quick blog. Its my birthday today sooo I thought I would actually come here and blog it XD(lol). But seriously GS STILL doesn't feel the same anymore.. its too dead. Like seriously.

Again if anyone wants to Brawl I'll be happy to accept. My code is posted in my previous blog.

That's all. 8)

WTF???? And my mains in Brawl....

Ok so I come back to Gamespot a few days later and I see that GS has completely changed. I'm like wtf?? Am I on like Giant Bomb or something? This site has definetely made some major changes in terms of looks and well its something that'll take time for me especially to get used too. I guess its not too bad but damn does this place look different :(

Well I really wanna keep this blog short and simple right now. As some of you may know I have recently gotten wifi and it has definetely help me improve my Brawl skilz. I have also been able to decide who my mains should be and who they are. Not much has changed in terms of mains just the order I use them lol.

1) Fox - Yeah people say he sux in Brawl now and I can agree to some extent. He has been nerfed from the last game but I still wanna main him because of his awesome speed and his surprising power. I would say he's tied with my second main.

2) Falco - Look I would love to make this guy my first main but I have a nooby problem. I can't SHDL PROPERLY!!! Its actually easy to do. Just short hop and shoot 2 lasters in the air. But what screws me over most of the time is the timing of the lasers. Mine never hit on small opponents but they hit on laser on the big opponent(some of you may know what I mean.) Other than that my Falco is definetely a work in progress as he has a few bugs to fix and he is actually quite a complicated character.

3) Wolf - Yeah my top 3 mains are Starfox characters =). This guy is just awesome. Some people say I am a bit spammy with his smashes but I have worked on that and his air game is very good so I am definetely utilizing his aerials a lot more.

4) Lucario - I am still thinking about this decision. He is fun to use and he has an awesome ability that matches the saying "No pain no game" He can also use a side b force palm chain grab which is quite unique. Shadowbrawler says all i friking do with Lucario is spam smash attacks but I DON'T. Seriously if you people play my lucario in the future or my other characters for that matter tell me if I spam. BE HONEST. Constructive criticism is welcome :)

5) ??? - So this is where I struggle. I am trying to find a 5th main to use and I have found 3 candidates with those being Snake, Olimar and ROB. All I still need to learn how to Non-contact snakedash with Snake. I know he is a complicated character but I really would love to main this guy seeing as he pretty much pwns and how hes so broken (lol). Oli is also really fun to use and people say I am really good with him. Which is why I am considering him as a potential 5th main candidate. ROB is really fun to use as well and has many tricks up his sleeve. Not much else to say here.

I have also made my list of my most hated to fight opponents. These are basically characters that can piss you off a lot.

5) Wolf

4) Sonic

3) Wario

2) Snake

1) Metaknight (His nado and his aerials are the most annoying things in the damn game:evil: )

So plz comment and tell me which main you think I am good with. If you haven't played me yet plz leave ur FC here. Heres mine: 4382-3941-3210 and if I can pwn you like a noob then you are off my list (I am not trying to sound cocky I just don't want bad opponents on my list :( sorry) Nothing personal guys. I myself don't think I am some godly player as I have some work to do and I am improving everyday and doing my best. :)

FINALLY I blog! Some sh1t to say and wi-fi is up baby!!

Soo yeeah as the title says I am FINALLY posting a blog after like a month(lol) because I have apparently missed a lot. And I have also got lots to say so I'll say it quick.

I apologize if I have been gone for a while as I have been too lazy as usual to post a blog. GS has been pretty dead as of late soo pretty much it.

I know the E3 was weeks ago and I was only able to watch microsofts E3 conference but DAMN it was pretty good for Sony and Microsoft. Lots of great features and titles coming out. Now Nintendo's however sucked monkey @$$ because it had nothing pleasing for the audience. Pikmin and Animal Crossing were Nintendo's biggest announcements...LOL you have got to be joking. A new starfox RPG or maybe a new F-Zero or Kid Icarus but NOO we get a Wii sports Sequel and other garbage. Now there was a video I stumbled upon on not too long ago and I LOL'ed when i saw it. WII MUSIC. For those that saw the E3 video know what I am talking about. It looks alright but the people made big @$$ fools of themselves and I personally thought they looked retarted...

Oh and heres my Brawl FC: 4382-3941-3210 PLZ brawl me I look forward to it. Just post ur FC in my blog.

And with that I say PCE.

Guess what? Happy 3 Day Late Canada day!!!! =D

Yes yes it is true so very true. I haven't blogged in ages and well on July 1st it was Canada day. Now I know most of you folks are celebrating your Independence Day of the US or something but your fellow Canadians(like myself) just recently had their own Canada day. It was only this past Tuesday but I was busy then since some relatives and long time family friends came over from the states so we showed them what Canada day was like. Which was why I was not able to blog about it earlier so I found the time today and guess what? I stumbled upon something interesting. It is America's Independance Day too! XD. Now you guys may be thinking "wtf? How dare this Canadian mock us?" The simple truth is I just wanted to spice things up today see what it would be like but hey we Canadians have to show our pride as well now don't we? I AM CANADIAN SO CANADA IN THE HOUSE!!!!8)

And with that the Ultimate Extremist leaves you. :twisted:

eh?? :lol:

Life these days+S8 chatroom+School Crap+ Wi-Fi notice.

Yo guys whats up. I have to say it has been quite a while since my last blog and I have not been that active lately mainly because of school exams. I know there are many of you out there that have blogged about school and how its almost over and how things are going. Well for me school finishes on June 28. After that I am free. I have three exams to study but Science is apparently the only class which requires studying. French is easy soo i don't really need to be concerned about that. English...welll there is nothing really to study for so I am set for that. Anyways guys wish me luck on my exams.....

Well with that crap out of the way I bare some bad news. Since exams are coming up my parents took my wii away until they are over so I have to suffer for these next 2 weeks without my precious Wii and Brawl :( Speaking of the Wii i realize that A LOT of people have waited for me to get wi-fi so I could Brawl them. I will get my wi-fi in 6 weeks at the latest. I have trained a lot since I do not want to dissappoint anyone(I main Fox, Falco, Lucario, Captain Falco, Metaknight, and Shiek ) so be sure to look to battling me this summer. I look forward to it :D

On a side note I have to tell you guys about this awesome chatroom the S8 have constructed. They have created a chatroom known as the S8(Supreme 8 a clan contain 8 elite brawlers) Chatroom where you guys could just chat about Brawl and competitive battling. There are a LOT of great Brawlers to hang out with over there. Soo I suggest that you guys check it out because it is awesome for all of you who are competitive Brawlers who wish to chat about true Brawling.

Here is the site link:

I highly recommend going there. DO IT. YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO.

Oh yes I almost forgot. I really want a really sweet looking Blog header with a picture of Fox, Falco and Lucario on it. If you are able to make me a sig/banner/blog header please PM me because I really would like to have one and I don't have GIMP soo thanks. I hope it won't be too much trouble.

And with that note I leave you all. I will do my best to start blogging a little more often these days. REMEMBER I get wi-fi by the end of June to mid-end July at latest. :cry:

The Ultimate Extremist leaves you.:twisted:

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