Yeah, the story was a bit meh haha...I did not really like how the main character was supposed to be the squad leader and yet I never really felt in charge haha. Your character is silent throughout the game, only order you can give really is to engage. It felt like Irish, Pac, and even Hannah were more in charge than the actual squad leader. I didn't expect a great campaign, but I think I did expect a little more than this. I also think it would've been a nice touch if you could've chosen to go down to plant the C4 yourself at the end.
hmmblabla's forum posts
How did you manage to kill Miraak? Everytime I get his health low he just becomes ethereal and sits in the center. I tried to just punch his health down, but that doesn't work because every time he tries to take a dragon's soul, I end up taking the soul. I also tried killing all of the dragons before I attack Miraak.
I was just wondering about how to get the Persona 4 Golden epilogue. Do you have to have a lovers' relationship with Marie or just max out the social link? Thank you in advance.
There are definitely some issues that need to be addressed but the cinematics were smooth for me. Also Diablo 2 (have not had the pleasure of playing the first Diablo yet) was pretty linear, so it's not surprising that the story is linear in this game either. Overall I have not had too many issues with this game, and playing with my friends has been a blast. Although no offline singleplayer is lame.
The game is only splitscreen if someone is playing on the same console as you. You can play splitscreen online as long as both accounts are Gold or if one person is logged in as a Guest.
I think if you are playing singleplayer offline, it will pause. It might pause for offline splitscreen, too.
My old 360 got RRoD for the second time so I decided to get the elite. Is there anyway to switch my memory from my old hard drive to the new hard drive?
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