I'll be playing Pupeteer, and try to get all the dog tags on hard in MGS 2 and then maybe start it on extreme! I like a great challenge! Maybe getting back on Silent Hill with the HD collection. And of all of you who haven't played Dark Souls yet just get on it! I platinumed it over a year ago and it's my favorite game of the decade! seriously... Best game since Ocarina of time.
Cannot wait for march for Dark Souls 2, MGS V: Ground Zeroes and that good looking FFX HD remake!
@gamerno66666 Beyond Two Souls were actually a pretty good game! Oh wait! You were talking about Beyond 2 shit! Never heard of that one... Looks like crap...
I have to Say Dark Souls 2 is my most anticipated game for 2014! Once i'll have finished with this one I'll be ready for the PS4... unless they annouce DS 2 for PS4 wich would be completely unexpected but really awesome!
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